Did anyone look into the effects of using circularly polarised x-rays?

Just wondering...


Larry Finger wrote:
Franz Werner wrote:
Dear Rietvelders

Is it in principle impossible to determine the absolute structure from powder 
data due to reflection overlap or is there a way via multiple wavelength 
diffraction experiments?

Thanks for your advice.

To determine absolute structure, you need three things: (1) a 
non-centrosymmetric structure, (2) at
least one "anomalous" scatterer, and (3) the differences in intensities between 
Friedel pairs of
reflections, i.e. reflection hkl and reflection -h-k-l.

In any diffraction experiment with the wavelength chosen carefully, you could 
satisfy conditions 1
and 2. Number 3 always nails you in a powder experiment due to the systematic, 
exact, overlap of hkl
and -h-k-l.


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