Dear Josh,

Just in case some more clarification is needed:

the problem arises because of parameter correlations:
the (2-theta independent) zero shift and parameters describing angle dependent 
(displacement and transparency) are very strongly correlated.

So, simple advice: never refine them together. Choose either of two
possibilities and in 99.9% cases it would be sufficient. In
GSAS/EXPGUI you will not be able to refine those parameters
simultaneously: it is explicitly forbidden by the EXPGUI author exactly to 
avoid this kind of

If you believe that you have good data quality and simultaneously can
clearly recognize two types of shift, refine sequentially and (you can do this 
Fullprof) set as low shift (via parameter code) as possible - this
would make the refinement a bit more stable.


Maxim V. Lobanov
Department of Chemistry
Moscow State University


This is a forwarded message
From: Yokochi, Alexandre <>
To: Lubomir Smrcok <>, Josh Kim <>
Date: Thursday, January 15, 2015, 2:16:03 AM
Subject: FullProf

===8<==============Original message text===============
If I recall it correctly (haven't had the opportunity to play with Fullprof for 
a few years)
Sycos is an instrument misalignment/sample transparency correction parameter.
Perhaps you are using an impossible initial value for it - should be very close 
to zero.
 As I share with my students on occasion, RTFM (at least for instances of F = 

Dr. Y

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Lubomir Smrcok
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 2:05 PM
To: Josh Kim
Subject: Re: FullProf

do you know why are you refining just that parameter ?

On Wed, 14 Jan 2015, Josh Kim wrote:

> Dear Rietvelds,
> I am new to FullProf, and am familiar with the difficulty in preparing a 
> decent .pcr file, but have run into a problem to which I cannot pinpoint the 
> error: During the first iteration of refinement I get the following message:
> "Singular Matrix!! Problem with SyCos_pat1 no.: 1?
> Any ideas? I can provide the .dat and .pcr file if anyone is interested
> Thanks
> Josh

===8<===========End of original message text===========

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