Hi Lachlan,
We seal capillaries for High temperature work with a very fine acetylene oxygen torch that jewelers use.
the sample isn't heated by this local flame.

 At 08:11 AM 11/6/2007, you wrote:
Hi All

I know this doesn't have direct application to rietveld work (well, I will be using it), but I am doing time-resolved powder XRD precipitation experiments in hydrothermal aqueous solutions using 1mm OD sapphire capillaries, a furnace mounted to our XRD and epoxy. I am curious whether there are other sealants people have used other than epoxy, or what type of epoxies people prefer. I'm looking at temperatures up to 300C.

Thanks for any help


- -
Lachlan C.W. MacLean, PhD.
Center for Environmental Kinetics Analysis
413 Deike Building
Pennsylvannia State University
University Park, PA 16801

*Undergraduate Arts & Science Studies Chair,
*Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering,
*Queen's University
*Kingston, Ontario, CANADA
*K7L 3N6
*Telephone 613-533-6180
*Fax 613-533-6592

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