Messages by Thread
RIET: Closing the SDPDRR-3
Lachlan Cranswick
Thierry Roisnel
Re: SARX 2008 Second Announcement
Miguel Delgado
Use ICSD/Retrieve as reference database with Match! 1.8
Putz (Crystal Impact)
low background capillaries
Natale Perchiazzi
Postdoc Position - High Resolution Neutron Powder Diffraction
Dimitri Argyriou
Help: General spherical harmonics
intensity mismatches in some peaks
Gerard, Garcia S
Software Workshop EPDIC11
Radovan Cerny
EASY access to the ILL beam time (June/July 2008)
SUARD Emmanuelle
edgar . sanches
correlation matrix interpretation
Gerard, Garcia S
[no subject]
question about fitting with multiple phases in FullProf
Wenduo Zhou
Question on Rietveld with x-ray
Jae-Ho Chung
Internal standards
Chrysochoou, Maria
New beamlines coming on-line at the new UK synchrotron
Jeremy Karl Cockcroft
Magnetic Structure Determination Workshop
Chakoumakos, Bryan C.
Difference Fourier, Topas
Alexander Cepak
ANN: xylib and xyConvert
Marcin Wojdyr
Re: WARNING: Posting large attachments
Re: WARNING: Posting large attachments on the Rietveld list
Alan Hewat
Montmorillonite cif
Chrysochoou, Maria
RIET: The SDPDRR-3 after 6 weeks: 123 downloads and 3 submissions
Lachlan Cranswick
1/Yo**2 weighting scheme in Rietveld refinement
Franz Werner
RIET: Registration update for 2008 Kyoto IUCr Crystallographic Computing School
Lachlan Cranswick
ICSD database updated to 103,679 structures
Alan Hewat
Re: Neutron or X-ray?
Alan Hewat
Analysis of data from instruments with theta-compensating slits
Patrick D. Burton
RIET: 2nd announcement: Alberta Powder Diffraction Workshop, 14th May to 16th May 2008, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Lachlan Cranswick
cell edge limit in Fullprof
powder pattern and PDF pattern visualization
Natale Perchiazzi
Fullprof setup Linux
William Bisson
particle size broadening in FullProf
Wenduo Zhou
% Crystallinity
john o callaghan
XRD peak doubling in NaAlH4
pukazh selvan
[Fwd: SARX 2008 - Abstract Submission]
Miguel Delgado
Opportunity at NIST
Jim Cline
RIET: SDPD Round Robin 3 - update
Lachlan Cranswick
Superposition of structures with Pluto
Franz Werner
advice on new powder diffractometer
Kurt Leinenweber
GSAS total beginner questions
Victor Wessels
RIET: 2008 Kyoto IUCr Crystallographic Computing School - Sharing our knowledge
Lachlan Cranswick
Automated phase matching?
Yetta Porter
glass & crystalline
Lubomir Smrcok
Abdelkader CHOUAIH
RIET: CPD-IUCr sponsored SDPD Round Robin 3
Lachlan Cranswick
[no subject]
Jana Bezjak
XRPD data available for download
Shankland, K (Kenneth)
deconvolution program
Usage of free-of-charge reference patterns with new Match! version 1.7
Putz (Crystal Impact)
Does anyone know a program capable of transform crystal structures?
pattern generation
Jean-Marc Joubert
IUCr Meeting Osaka - Travel Fellowships
Cora Lind
RIET: Re: Graphic superposition of crystal structures
Lachlan Cranswick
Graphic superposition of crystal structures
Franz Werner