there is self citation here : there are some molecules of this kind
containing Ar of Kr trapped inside C60. There are even some rietveld
refinement on those, see Chem commun 2007 and New J of Chemistry 2007
i can send some pdf files on your private email if interested (if so,
please send me an email directly)
N. Dragoe
Tirosh, Shay a écrit :
Dear Rietveld users.
I wonder if any of you familiar with crystals that contains noble gases.
I address to crystals that exists in normal temperature pressure
conditions, or in some non-extreme conditions.
For example there is branch in noble gases chemistry where noble gases
like Ar, Xe and Kr are attached to an organic compound. I wonder if
someone ever tried to crystallize molecules contains noble atoms.
I would be grateful for any paper that supports the existence of such
Thank you from advance.
*Shay Tirosh*