t hey :)
ohh the LINK.. here it is:
check it out.. have fun.. peace...
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for making it onto upside's "top women on the web"
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't gauge someone's level of respect base on sexual
intrest.. people are far more complex then that..
sex is NOT the end all be all of a person.. even if outwardly that seems
to be all they think about!
blah, hugs,
On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, Deirdre Saoirse wrote:
> On 13 Jun 2
ce to html standards.. microsoft didn't start
breaking it... NETSCAPE did.. think and
don't hurt me.. I'm just a messanger of my views :)
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> which is put a handle on top - I wondered if that included *any* female
> techie employees but it was impossible to tell from the phrasing.
JL's lesson's learned #43612 NEVER try to read to deeply into what people
say if what they say is unclear.. attempt to get clarification.. if they
refuse t
> On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, curious wrote:
> > JL's lesson's learned #43612 NEVER try to read to deeply into what people
> > say if what they say is unclear.. attempt to get clarification.. if they
> > refuse to clarify.. go with the EXACT wording o
could you provide the full url?
do you know where I could find a copy of the study? (or is it one of those
"pay us $ dollars" for a copy ones?)
I'm quite curious as to how this determination was reached..
In terms of male/female pay per position.. it seems to me
You mean your NOT male :) (evil laughter)
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On Tue, 8 Aug
BTW NEVER name your children chris* there are just TOO many of us in the
world already!!!
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Kind of reminds me of the DPN movement of 1988
I disagree that this was only a symbol of deaf empowerment..
If the leaders of an organization is not fullfilling the needs of the
organization.. sometimes it's vital to stand up and make the change..
just thought s
I think the view on filtering software needs to be revisited.. most people
seem to look at filtering in the default allow (ie. blocking things that
are bad while leaving everything else open).. vs. default deny
(ie. blocking everything except for what is known to be good).. yes the
second approach
in repsonse to:
they have put out:
issues mailing list
Quick search on BESS and N2H2:
Not knowing much about the N2H2 product(s) I did a search and a quick read
of n2h2's site.. this is what I found:
(as I stated this was a quick search.. so if I'm wrong PLEASE correct me
asap so people aren't left missinformed)
overview of the technology:
there is an
> > But if filtering is not the most useful solution, then what is?
> I don't have an answer to that. I don't think mandatory filtering is it,
> though.
There is actualy a nice chart of ideas/options..
I think above all.. having and Accep
Hello, my name is curious... this wonderful mailinglist was
introduced to me by Vinnie Surmone... so if there any referal bonuses
please aply them accordingly.
Early observations... there seems to be alot of knee jerking on
here.. If someone says something you
almost 100 people so I know there is intrest out there... I just want
to make sure that when this is started.. it's done right.. in the most
helpful as apposed to harmful way possible...
thanks in advance for your input,
/"\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This is a womans issue based on the fact that there are people who belive
that such applications degrade women (I'm not aware of any men who are
concerned about men being treated possibly as sex objects). If this
project becomes successful there is a possibility that it could cause
problems down t
ever post here again... again let me
know in email. :),
Chris aka curious
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in my little
(rose colored?) glasses... and if media is a reflection of societys views
compare "Sound of Music" with
any recent movie of similar caliber (esp. "I am sixteen going seventeen")
so to round this out my non-sequidor question :) :
What can I (or other males on this list)
More babbles from curious :) this is mostdefinatly on topic :)
btw: if there is no "RE:" in the subject of my message and don't like
reading random views by some freak male... please skip said messages :)
(press "d" in pine :) ) and if you want to have fodder to use aga
Responses to serveral posts in one :)
Re: Jens response
Personaly I thought of this list as a learning experince... where I could
come in and say "hey, I'm dumb about this issue... here is what little I
know or belive I know how does how my brain sees things fit within
your mental picture...
When I stated I'm a stupid male.. I ment that in terms that I still have
much to learn... as I think we all do... ohh and I'm stupid in terms of
not being able to express myself clearly to this list :)
>So, curious, maybe it will be easier to understand "the woman's
> Hi, everyone,
> Is anybody as happy about the finding of facts as I am? I really hope that
> this will limit Microsoft's ability to try and crush Linux as a competitor.
I'm actualy worried about what restrictions may be placed on microsoft..
computer technology is still a very new field.. p
> > hmmm what is wrong with having a male "ruled" world? and why should women
> > have equal rights?
> own property) that is not often questioned. It's another thing to walk
> onto a group of folks who live in a world that questions their right to
> humanity and ask them why they should have it
> > I don't think microsoft should be punnished for being a sucessful
> > company... even if it blow up a few compeditors...
> you know what I think sucks -- that the government creates this protected
> class called a 'corporation', and then folks complain when it puts a few
> rules on it, even
> rule number 3 is don't use them on me!
> I'm going to license my debating techniques, I swear. And the license will
> read 'These techniques are GPL'd, unless your name is Chris Koontz, in
> which case, you can't use them, so nyah'
I hardly consider the tenique to be unique.. mind you.. I've be
> > I'm actualy worried about what restrictions may be placed on microsoft..
> > computer technology is still a very new field..
> It's been around since the 1930s actually. PCs are now 18 years old, too.
It feels new to me though even though I've been using computers since the
atari800 :)
> I misstated (I'm trying to do too much this morning..sorry) --
> Corporations aren't protected, they protect people -- specifically the
> people who make and implement the 'corporate' decisions -- i.e. if I,
> Vinnie, choose to break a law, I, Vinnie, get punished. If a corporation
> breaks a la
> Individuals in a corporation are not individually accountable legally for
> their actions (except for certain crimes committed by officers). Thus,
> corporations are exempt from 90% of what can happen to any other legal
> person.
Ahh so they are protected in terms of the punishment recived.. I
> On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, curious wrote:
> > They came up with an operating system that would run on intel based
> > hardware... that people would want to run the applications they also
> > wanted to run.
> you mean they bought an OS that the guy who wrote it n
> No, they *forced* their competitor to leave a product behind. In fair
> practice, IBM would have been forced to leave their product behind because
> of market pressure by consumers, not by pressure from Microsoft.
If OS/2 was marketable enough of a product... it wouln't have had to be
people get used to the word interface rather than wordperfects')
people WANTED to click file-save then some archaic set of keystrokes...
> - Corel HAS suffered, too... sure Corel, RedHat, are still in business,
> but what's your point? They have been hurt by MS's strong ar
> two questions:
> 1. Do you know what the most likely things that will happen are?
well trade press seem to think either A> microsoft will be limited to
developing it's own tech.. or B>broken into pieces ala MaBells
> 2. Are you coming up with these arguments yourself or are you pulling the
> > I was asking for a personal viewpoint.. not what the DOJ or a judge said..
> Illegal is not an opinion -- illegal is a fact
> morals and ethics can be debated..laws exist
laws are subject to interpretation
> 1. that wasn't the case two years ago, and in a large part came about
> becaus eo
> > If a corporation breaks a law.. what would you like to see happen... going
> > for an extreme here... if microsoft hires an assasan to kill Linus.. what
> > should happen?
> Actually, corporations are not protected if someone within them commits
> murder. However, I think the point is that
> 1. I know you know that OS/2 was the superior OS
The problem here is no one wrote anything for it.. and it wasn't
everything it claimed to be... and (for me atleast) confusing to navigate
> 2. Several wrongs don't make a right
I don't belive I implied that
> 3. I don't think a case
> No, they bought an operating system,
I thought I corrected myself on this one.. sorry if I haven't..
>then designed a GUI for it based on
> what was already being done by other GUIs
>(as in MacOS, or Presentation
> Manager, the precursor to IBM's Workplace Shell in OS/2).
which they all cop
> Curious -- I am curious as to why you are being such a strong advocate for
> Microsoft on a Linux list. It sounds as if you think Microsoft is has
> pretty great products. So why do you use Linux?
a> because linux makes sense to me (btw I was originaly raised a Mac freak
> but right now I am so burnt out on econ issues...I think if anyone says
> 'WTO' to me one more time I will bite their nose off)
what does that Anac mean?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Alright after my last long post where I realized I realy need to read more
before replying... I decided I was going to read before replying to this
thread any more.. untill I found this email with little errors that just
IRK me!
so I'm just going to mention the errors make a small remark then mov
> Me again
> > Ahh something I know about... YIPPIE!! MS Excel came out on the Macintosh
> > platform BEFORE any other platform... and it came out aleast sometime
> IIRC, MS bought Excel from another company. It's possible that it was
> already made for the Mac, but did they keep on updat
feeling I'm missing
> > the point.
> I read it to my husband. He just shrugged and said 'troll'.
> It was trollish, even if curious didn't intend to troll.
what is trolling?
> curious:
> Please put extra effort into not-trolling.
> I tried reasoning with him all day. I gave up. It seems pointless.
I thought we had a healthy discussion... granted I was as up to speed as I
should have been... I don't think any discussion is pointless...
I tried very hard to reply to every response...
> Didn't someone, about a week ag
I was not attempting to start a flame war... in hindsight my "should women
be equal" was probably not the best question to ask.. I merly asked that
question in relation to building the issue from the ground up...
on the microsoft issue.. I replyied to an email that I strongly disagreed
with.. I w
> suppose you ran MS and you had a choice of being ethical and get 85% of
> the OS market or else,NOT being ethical and getting 95% of the market
> and the lawsuit,which one would you choose ??
define ethical? if your saying that I can insure that I can get my
operating system to be include
> > define ethical? if your saying that I can insure that I can get my
> > operating system to be included with every PC by making a deal with
> > vendors.. I think I would... is that unethical?
> ethical == not doing a hack to win 3.11 so it doesn't run on DR-DOS as
Ok.. lets say hypothiticly
Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Emily Ratliff wrote:
> As curious stated:
> > (I'm researching standard oil, the
> > findings of fact from the judge, and some essays I found on each side of
> > the microsoft issue)
> While you're researching, study up on IBM's antitrus
When I say 68000 macs I mean like the macplus.. last I checked mac 68k
linux required atleast a 68030 or at the VERY least an mmu which the 68000
doesn't support.. or atleast the macplus motherboard doesn't support..
/"\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Windows just keeps pissing me off, and the sooner that I can use my
> hardware and games with Linux the better.
what hardware do you have that you can't use?
btw a great source of games is lokisoft www.lokisoft.com
they have a newsgroup for recommendations.. also there are lots of sites
if the architect OWNS that building.. yes he has the right to blow it up..
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well how about guytalk here a linuxchix?
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On Tue, 9 Nov
> pretend I'm a really big guy (okay, this is hard, but pretend
> anyway...think, like..my father's size or something)
on the internet you can be anyone or anything :)
> you're selling glasses
> I'm selling lemonade
> if I agree to give you a cut rate on lemonade so you
> No, I'm not interested in a long debate about it - certainly not in this
> forum. This is not philosophy 101. But please understand that to me, and
> perhaps to a lot of people, selfishness is VERY VERY VERY unethical.
In that case.. for this list anyways.. we will agree to disagree :)
Alright since I'm probably one of those people who should have read the
(yet non-existant) FAQ...
I'm going to try to start one :) I've found that on other lists (technical
ones) that FAQs are typicaly built by collecting a bunch of questions that
aught to be answered and post them to the list.. t
people? There is nothing
> >"un-ethical" about being selfish..
> >
> Well, that just says it all doesn't it? Curious, may I suggest that you do
> some basic background reading (beyond the potted Ayne Rand inevitably
> trotted out by the more pseudo-intel
> > they do? then why is it I'm not drinking MS lemonade at home? (ie. I'm not
> > using MS at home) infact I was raised on Apple-lemonade for many years..
> > hmmms
> you were raised on apple juice, different product, and it was in a
> cup...because the glasses won't hold applejuice, silly!
sorry that response to vinnie was supposed to be an emailed response.. I'm
quite sure most of you don't know ness :)
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> > I don't belive this is the case... VAlinux systems, penguin computing,
> > thelinuxstore, etc... have been doing just fine.. heck microway sells both
> > types of systems and sells linux systems for less...
> Do you HONESTLY think that VA sells no MS? That they have no OEM agreement
> with
just a note.. bill gates is on 60minII tonight
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just to be cute:
Ayn Rand
Karl Marx :)
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On Tue, 9
This quote is false." -anon
On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Ian Hall-Beyer wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Nov 1999 18:01:43 -0800 (PST), curious wrote:
> >just a note.. bill gates is on 60minII tonight
> Betcha he toes and hypes the company line "We just want to innovate" :)
quot; -anon
On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Ian Hall-Beyer wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Nov 1999 10:01:51 -0800 (PST), curious wrote:
> >Sure they have.. look at MS-BOB and The little paperclip guy in word :)
> Hmm. good point. And both of those are things that everyone wants to
> brutally
microway (www.microway.com) has good prices, good hardware.. though they
focus mostly on alpha based systems
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On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Vinnie Surmonde wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, curious wrote:
> > microway (www.microway.com) has good prices, good hardware.. th
1> python runs on most platforms out of the box.. with little/no porting
(even less then perl)
2> alot of redhat's controlpanel stuff was (and probably still is) written
in perl (try locate *.py sometime)
3> having python installed is more akin to having glib to run apps or
kdelibs to run kde ap
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On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Deirdre Saoirse wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, curious wrote:
> > 2> alot of redhat
I agree.. programming python walks you though python programming though
the development of a text join and split program.. written in all sorts of
strange ways.. which leads the reader to have to figure out what the
author is trying to do in a given area before he/she can grasp the
concepts... pul
pardon my stupidity..
what will this planned management software do?
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some links you guys might find useful..
linux PM software:
PM software faq:
an intresting webbased commericial PM package run by alot of companies..
that has a walkthough of thier product which may be useful during the "wtf
I used Be for alittle while.. it's a nice OS.. had the best "plug and
play" support for my bttv(video capture) card built in.. I could open lots
of windows of it.. drag it around and it wouln't crash or leave blotches
all over the place like windows 95 and linux did the last time i used
it... the
A warning about getting too deep into "legal rights"...
If a company is doing something blatently wrong in a big way.. then by all
means act on it.. if you find yourself in an oncall job which was
discribed to you during the interview.. think hard before you take drastic
action against it.. if you
At work there is a guy who refers to everyone (male and female) as "babe"
one of the new workers didn't realize this as first and was planning a
sexual harrassment suit.. till she overheared him calling some of the guys
at the office babe.. We all figure it's a cultrual thing.. though I rarly
I can understand that alot of people want to just "blow off" posts like
this... however sometimes these aren't "flame baits"... alot of guys don't
(looks halfway to the mirror :) ) issues women face. They want to
understand atleast where your comming from... and places where issues that
are raised
Well there I was just simply downloading some mp3s from napster... reading
the news when ... BAM I got hit by wonderfuly written on women issues in
the technical area.. which I'm deffinalty forarding on to my brother who
just recently had a bab
and here I thought it was because they all went to see the great camel in
the sky :)
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> Doug Vogt wrote:
> >
> > You can certainly be irritated by the attention that Playboy's Playmate
> > of the Month steals.
> This line clarified something I specifically wanted to refute.
> There /appears/ to be an underlying theme in your argument that
> 'women want to be desirable to men
On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, srl wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Deirdre Saoirse wrote:
> > On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Susannah Rosenberg wrote:
> >
> > > Not everyone tries to make themselves desirable to those they're
> > > sexually interested in; at least, not consciously.
> >
> > Some of us have made a
Rock on! :)
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On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Deirdre Saoirse wrote:
78 matches
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