> > If a corporation breaks a law.. what would you like to see happen... going
> > for an extreme here... if microsoft hires an assasan to kill Linus.. what
> > should happen?
> Actually, corporations are not protected if someone within them commits
> murder.  However, I think the point is that corporations should be held to
> the same standards as individuals.

Not a bad idea... will add that to my going to bed thunk :)

> severe, would prevent them from bringing any product to market.  It would
> not prevent them from doing something innovative.  It would prevent them
> from bundling unrelated products and refusing to license their products to
> hardware manufacturers who chose to license competing products.

So microsoft now HAS to license thier products to the compitition? And
what is considered unrelated? And why should Microsoft be the only OS
vender not permited to do so? This put them on a very unlevel

> > even if it's
> > something like splitting up the company.. since at this point application,
> > internet, and OS APIs in Microsoft are so ingrained into the OS.. I don't
> > see how the split is going to help anything.. if they are split they will
> > still be working as one.. only this time microsoft will have more heads...
> Why couldn't you split productivity applications (like Office, Money, et
> al.) from operating systems?  This would mimic what was done in the AT&T
> case.  They are clearly distinct and separate products

Microsoft apps (esp in the 2K series) are very integrated.. thier photo
software is setup so you can create little animations and have them post
to the web or sent off as an email attachment... thier money software
integrates with online banking.. which incorperates into online
storage/control of your accounts via MSN (creapy I know, but people don't
seem to care).. MSWord integrates into thier mail programs as well.. it's
a huge mess of interlaced applications.. <me blinks for a second as he
gets his head on straight>... why should they be FORCED to split?

> -Caity
> ************
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