> 1. I know you know that OS/2 was the superior OS

The problem here is no one wrote anything for it.. and it wasn't
everything it claimed to be... and (for me atleast) confusing to navigate

> 2. Several wrongs don't make a right
I don't belive I implied that

> 3. I don't think a case could be made for MS doing what it did in self
> defense (the only reason IBMs other behavior would matter in this debate)

When IBM made a PC that quickly became a standard.. wouln't release the
specs of it's bios so that noone could compete with them? how is this self

> --
> Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
> Obligatory pathetic website at http://george.he.net/~drachen
> ************
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