I used Be for alittle while.. it's a nice OS.. had the best "plug and
play" support for my bttv(video capture) card built in.. I could open lots
of windows of it.. drag it around and it wouln't crash or leave blotches
all over the place like windows 95 and linux did the last time i used
it... the support for 3dfx voodoo3 is still experimental.. which shows
when running various 3D apps... it despratly needs a quality stable
browser and java support.. I tried the "living BeOS" for a week.. though I
kept finding myself booting back to linux due to lack of apps and various
functionality.. it's definatly a workstation OS.. it's does wonderful
multitasking, multi threading.. though it's not mutli-user... most of my
complaints with it are cosmetic... it also has an mp3 available that lets
you pitchbend forward and backwards the music (ie. you can play mp3s
backwards.. and at various speeds :) )
in terms of redhat buying be.. I'm not sure what gain they would get doing
so.. unless they were to opensource BeOS.. which I don't think they can do
because of all the 3rd party proprietary software that is built in.. I
think SCO would make alot more sense...
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On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Geoffrey Makstutis wrote:
> I saw mention of this in Slashdot. I also tried BeOS4.5 and was very
> impressed with how well integrated everything seemed. Personally, coming
> from a Mac background, I like Be as a desktop environment and it would be
> nice to see it succeed. Maybe with some backing from RedHat they would have
> a chance. Perhaps Redhat is looking for a product to hit the
> multimedia/animation market, which is where Be has always been pitched.
> BeHat?
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of J B
> Sent: Friday, December 17, 1999 4:20 PM
> Subject: [issues] Red Hat/Be
> Ok....the rumor mill is speculating that Red Hat is making moves to buy Be.
> Any word on this?
> How do you think this would affect BeOS?
> Had a chance to play with a demo of BeOS 4.5....looks really smooth and
> sweet....
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