I was not attempting to start a flame war... in hindsight my "should women
be equal" was probably not the best question to ask.. I merly asked that
question in relation to building the issue from the ground up...
on the microsoft issue.. I replyied to an email that I strongly disagreed
with.. I was in no way anti linux in any way shape or form.. further
people replied with detailed responses which to me makes an issue quite
ok... If I was wrong in my belief that it is not ok for me to express
views that turned out not to be carried by anyone else.. I'll drop it
(though I'm quite surprised that I seem to be the only one on the list..
since everyone I know at work (even us anti-MS linux freaks agree))...
I found the discussions about microsoft to be quite educational and
thought provoking.. (anything that causes me to read 300 pages of stuff to
catch myself up is pretty thought provoking :) )
if anyone cares to hear my findings (I'm researching standard oil, the
findings of fact from the judge, and some essays I found on each side of
the microsoft issue) let me know... note: you may disagree with them
harshly (heck I might even disagree with my own findings :) )... but since
my views on this issue appear to be "bad" to this list somehow I'll send
them via email to people that wantem.. note: I'm only human and have as
such only have a limited understanding of 100 years of history :)... if
jen says to go ahead and put them here I will :)
> Intentional trolling is doing it solely to make people react - trying to
> start a flamewar or just to get people hot under the collar.
> Examples of trolling:
> * mentioning Linux in a favourable way on a Microsoft list
> * saying 'George Bush would make a wonderful president' on
> the mailing list of whoever his political opponents are.
> * suggesting that the British Monarchy should be removed on
> a 'Prince William is the best' mailing list...
> Or:
> * saying 'why should women be equal?' on a list devoted to
> women in a nontraditional field.
> Jenn V.
> --
> Humans are the only species to feed and house entirely separate species
> for no reason other than the pleasure of their company. Why?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jenn Vesperman http://www.simegen.com/~jenn/
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
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