More babbles from curious :) this is mostdefinatly on topic :)
btw: if there is no "RE:" in the subject of my message and don't like
reading random views by some freak male... please skip said messages :)
(press "d" in pine :) ) and if you want to have fodder to use against me
if I ever run for public office... save the message :) (press "s" in pine
:)) other wise read and respond (press "r" in pine) or skip to next (press
"n" in pine :) ) with out further is the message (if nothing
else it aught to be useful for bathroom reading):
Some background for people who don't read userfriendly:
Miranda is an supergeek... very knowledgable, and female...
now before I get lambbasted(baaaa) I'll admit that they may be picking on
her because a>she's newist or b>she isn't there to defend herself...
(btw the thing that confuses me the most about the cartoon is they don't
seem to want to work a graveyard shift.. but I digress :) )

        I've never realy understood why men (usualy subconciously)
continuiously group together against women... Up to the point of my
current job women tended to get dumped on, and not listened to as closely
as males... in my current job the woman on our team is the most respected
person... and the rest of the team constantly strive to help reduce her
work load... and not because she's a woman, but because she is such a
vital part of out team... She is also the least technologicaly
knowledgeable person on our team... hmm I'm realy not explaining this well
:) and am babbling around the point :)

        Women often times seem to get unessarly marked as "the other"...
which is something that realy irks me at times, because we are all
people... I do belive the situation is getting better, but still along
ways off... If you were to ask a random sysadmin if he would care/mind/etc
if they had a compitent female sysadmin, I'm sure they would say "sure...
no prob" however when it comes to "upgrading" a tech support person... if
you had two canidates... one male, one female.. and the female was more
qualified... more often then not.. the male gets chosen and in the cases
where the female gets chosen there are usualy unrelated emotions
involved... Being the 'fix it' type of person I am... the things that irk
me the most about this are a>no one seems to beable to adiquitly explain
why and b>no one seems to know what can be done about it... here is my
best pitch at it:

        I've come closer to understanding <a> based alot on trends... this
situation is not quite as harsh as it used to be.. and is continously
getting less harh... one of my theorys is as families become less
"nuclear" ie. Mother/Father/2.5 kids and a dog with the mother being a
housewife because she has to be servent to the male... (note: I don't
belive that being a housewife = being a servent if it's a choice {note if
you want to debate this issue please do so in person email or do so on
a more appropriate list.. let me know what it is.. and I'll debate it :)} )
ANYWAYS as I was saying as families become less nuclear, and women play
more self-chosen roles... the children's personal model of the world gains
a more equal view among sexes/genders (please use which ever word you feel
fits best :) )

        As for <b> is to continue to be open and nonjudgemental
(personaly) and hope others see this as a good thing {haven't realy seen
it happens.. so I guess I just do it to be myself then :) } and otherwise
wait and watch... I'm sure there are better things and views... I would
realy love it if you guys and gals would share yours..... 


PS. I think it's about time I start posting essays on my site :)
PPS. sorry my site is under revision at the moment for you other curious
freaks out there :)

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