When I stated I'm a stupid male.. I ment that in terms that I still have
much to learn... as I think we all do... ohh and I'm stupid in terms of
not being able to express myself clearly to this list :)
>So, curious, maybe it will be easier to understand "the woman's
>perspective" if you define what women you are curious about -- oh, and
>remember that one woman's cake is another woman's poison --
Clearly there are many diffrent women's perspectives... and I would like
to understand as many as I can :)... Heck I'd like to understand men's
views aswell :)... Each woman I've met has had her own view of her place
in this world, about men in general, and their role in the male dominated
world... yes there are countries that are ruled over by women, but as a
whole the wold is still very male centric...
hmmm what is wrong with having a male "ruled" world? and why should women
have equal rights?
>Rather, I think, like men in that regard, ne?
like which men? :)
/"\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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