Responses to serveral posts in one :) Re: Jens response Personaly I thought of this list as a learning experince... where I could come in and say "hey, I'm dumb about this issue... here is what little I know or belive I know.... how does how my brain sees things fit within your mental picture... and for those people (not just men, but possibly women viewing the world in rose tinted glasses) who don't see it or haven't seen it.." hopefuly gain insight.. anyone who knows me well, knows I love to explore and understand everything :) moo I confess I'm a stupid male.. I don't have a firm grasp of life from a woman's perspective.. nor do I nessarly belive I'll ever gain such a thing untill I perfect the vulcan mind meld.... Re:Steve Calling someone evil is not nessarly an insult... esp. in the sysadmin world... read up on BoFH (bastard operator from hell) series or check out calling someone evil in sysadmin land can have more conitations then you might imagine :) /"\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign [EMAIL PROTECTED] X - NO HTML/RTF in e-mail / \ - NO Word docs in e-mail "This quote is false." -anon ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED]