> > I was asking for a personal viewpoint.. not what the DOJ or a judge said..
> Illegal is not an opinion -- illegal is a fact
> morals and ethics can be debated..laws exist

laws are subject to interpretation

> 1. that wasn't the case two years ago, and in a large part came about
> becaus eof increased scrutiny brought on by the DOJ case

agreedish... I think people would have caught on eventualy.. 

> 2. learn some basic business theory...no one is accusing MS of blowing up
> people (chris, usually you're much better at debating stuff...today you
> are at a much lower level then I expect...*blowing up*??? )

nods.. I didn't get much sleep last night and I'm rushing this emails
since I'm at work :)

> MS is not a government monopoly. Competition in those markets
> (trains/postal) are limited to the government, rather than limited *by*
> the government.

The post office is a private company.. controled BY the government.. I'm
not sure about amtrack since I haven't had luch with anyone from there yet

> Vinnie
> --
> Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
> Obligatory pathetic website at http://george.he.net/~drachen
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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