Greetings again :)
{puts on his flame proof rabbit suit}
        I'm in the proccess of starting up an adult linux project... who's
aim is to create applications of an adult nature (ie. strip poker,
adventure games, etc...).  What I would like to do is have a clear
understanding of what concerns people have with such software and  how
those concerns be best addressed. 

        Some background... The business model(using strip poker as an
example): strip poker will have an "engine" and "modules" the "engine"
will be what drives the game and would be licensed under something similar
to the lgpl. "Modules" would be under whatever license the module coders
place them under. The modules would be collections of images, movies, AI,
conversation logic, etc. These would be things that companys would sell.
So people with XYZ fetish could get XYZ striper module from Acme XYZ. Also
if ZYX person wanted to make his/her own module of his/her self he/she
could and posibly profit from it. 

        Strip poker is a game that has been ported to just about ever
platform execpt for free ones. I realy want to see this changed... the
adult games industry is huge, and I think linux aught to get involved.
However I don't want this project to start driving people away from linux,
esp. women. 

        What issues, concerns, etc.. do you feel I need to make sure I
address before I get myself dirty? I currently have a silent mailing list
of almost 100 people so I know there is intrest out there... I just want
to make sure that when this is started.. it's done right.. in the most
helpful as apposed to harmful way possible...

thanks in advance for your input,

 /"\  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
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