Alright since I'm probably one of those people who should have read the
(yet non-existant) FAQ...
I'm going to try to start one :) I've found that on other lists (technical
ones) that FAQs are typicaly built by collecting a bunch of questions that
aught to be answered and post them to the list.. this alows people who
answer various questions to recived credit.. by including their name in
the answer....
so here is a collection of questions (some with answers grabbed off the

Some of this is issues specific but could easly be broadened to encompas
the other lists:

First attempt at a FAQ:

Why is this list here?
to quote from the discussions page:
"Many people, including myself, are interested in discussing the larger,
abstract, theoretical/philosophical issues related to
Linux, the Open Source movement, Women & Technology, etc. The "issues"
list has been created for these discussions.
Since the subject area is a little fuzzy, so long as something is
more-or-less on-topic, feel free to post it. If discussions do get
                                           off-topic, I will ask that they
be moved to one of the other lists.

Who are some of these people? (perhaps some should be
included in the FAQ?)

What is trolling and why is it bad?

Why shouldn't every response be responded to?

Why shouln't you send unsolicited emails or ads on this list?

because we don't like it or want it.. 
as a side note: there are several people on this list who are sysadmins...
who will likely track you down.. add any open relay that you might be
using to the blackhole list (thus preventing YOU and anyone who might be
legitimatly using that relay from sending mail to a large chunck of
people)... and if they manage to track you down (which is more likely then
not).. you may find yourself with a rather perminant Blue Screen of
DEATH!... :)

What other forms of netiquite should be followed?

What issues have been exausted on this list?

 /"\  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
 \ /   ASCII Ribbon Campaign      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 / \  - NO Word docs in e-mail    "This quote is false." -anon


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