could you provide the full url?
do you know where I could find a copy of the study? (or is it one of those
"pay us $xxxx dollars" for a copy ones?)

I'm quite curious as to how this determination was reached.. 
In terms of male/female pay per position.. it seems to me the majority of
women are getting payed less for the same position/work still.. 
However then again a> I'm not a scientist, b> I only know select groups of
people, c> only certian people in said groups share such information..

Thanks in advance for the information if you find it,

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On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Simon Britnell wrote:

> *Cut & Pasted from w
> Study finds explanation for pay disparity between men and women*
> 04.08.2000 06:15
> The pay disparity between men and women may be due to the choices women 
> make, rather than discrimination in the workforce.
> Stephen Summers from Massey University has found that while women may 
> earn less over their entire careers than men, it is not necessarily due 
> to a lack of fairness.
> Mr Summers says a main contributing factor for apparent pay inequality 
> is that women tend to choose an occupation for job satisfaction, rather 
> than because it is highly paid.
> He says another reason women earn less over their working life is that 
> they are more likely to have broken their career for family reasons.
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