All righty that was a short lurk :)
enough people indicated in emails that I realy wasn't that bad...
well that and I had one of those just about to fallasleep mental
statements that I had to write down :)  
Note this was copy/pasted from pine :) sorry for the weird indention :)

I was watching 20/20 the other day and they had this segment on women in
some country (don't recall which 
off hand)...  where increasingly men in that country were spraying
sulfuric acid on thier faces if they  
didn't do what they wanted them to do... it was a country where a woman
has almost no identity until she 
marries... the sulfuric acid would harm them in ways such as burning away
eyes and ears though more often
just leaving thier faces increadably mangled... at the end of this segment
they mentioned that sulfuric
acid was cheap and easy to come by there (used in car batteries)... and
that there is a movement to get a
law passed to hold the peope who sell sulfuric acid liable if it's used to
attack women (the segment also
implyied that this law was needed and would help)... I realy don't
understand this logic... there is also
a law that is being pushed all over the country (dworkin/mackinnon)... one
of the clauses in this law
says that if a person commits an act of assult on a person because of
pornography... the pornographer can
be held liable... This logic makes as much sense to me as holding
radioshack resposible if someone stabs
someone else with a screwdriver they baught from them or even better... if
a woman decides to kill men
with an ice pick because she saw it done in "Basic Instict" to hold the
publishers of that movie liable...

Now haveing said that we have social side effects of porn or more
precicely women in media... fasion mags
that claim that women are too fat and the one's that aren't too fat are
too stupid... in an email I got
someone talked about things as simple as titles... ie: "Big Boobie Babes"
or "Super Suck Sluts"  instead
of "Joyus Jordan and Julie" (hopefuly I paraphrased that enough to avoid
plaguizm... don't recall that
much aliteration in the original email :) ) Yes this happens to men as
well but it's easyer to find "your
ok" messages and in porn there is usualy a guys name as apposed to an
object (even if it's an alias) (ie.
long dong silver, fabio, etc)... Almost all media has some form of impact
no matter how large or small so
one might say fictional "Jill" shouln't be alowed to sell movies of
herself being objectified since it
will have the impact of objectifying women in general... however (pull out
a random article from a news
paper) ahh... my county might not be ready for y2k... which instills fear
and may lead to panic which can
cause many a bad things to happen... media (be it books, movies,
newspapers, etc) has impact, has
influence not always those that a person wants or intends but the ability
of other people to create
material that may influence us in ways we don't like, alows us to create
material that may influence
others in ways they might not like....

Also objectification didn't come from porn or the media... the people who
created the media had to feel it
was right else wise before they made it... people who consume it has to
feel it's ok to purchase the
material as well... so I don't belive it originated from media... it's
historical and cultural... and as
time goes on women are being treated less and less like ojbects (at least
from what I've seen in my little
(rose colored?) glasses... and if media is a reflection of societys views
compare "Sound of Music" with
any recent movie of similar caliber (esp. "I am sixteen going seventeen")

so to round this out my non-sequidor question :) :
What can I (or other males on this list)
do to bring more identity and understanding from
men to women if anything?

Chris aka curious

PS Thanks go to JD Catron for enlightening me more about womens issues in
this world :)

PPS: hmmms there are proly better lists for me to address these issues on
feel free to email me the location of a better place, and thanks for your
patience :)

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