Well there I was just simply downloading some mp3s from napster... reading
the news when ... BAM I got hit by wonderfuly written on women issues in
the technical area.. which I'm deffinalty forarding on to my brother who
just recently had a baby with my sister in law... anyways.. the thing
that realy "hit" me was how much of the "turning girls into hackers"
matched my childhood...
I felt she was alittle more defensive then she needed twards the end..
end.. when she breaks out "roles available to women" I think it
perpetuates the xy->do these things and xx->do these things...
rather.. comming up with a range of areas where hackers "work" would flow
better in my eyes.. (but thats just me :) )
To me the greatist hackers out there are the documenters.... It surprises
me that orginizations like the Linux Documentation Project aren't given
more "recog" awards... the list of tasks for "technically minded women"
are needed... period.. doesn't matter if the person is
A warning to parents conidering raising a hacker.. regardless of gender..
they will tend to be unballanced through alot of thier life :).. which is
not nessarly a bad thing.. just be aware you'll have your work cut out for
ya ;)
anyways, peace out,
/"\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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