A warning about getting too deep into "legal rights"...
If a company is doing something blatently wrong in a big way.. then by all
means act on it.. if you find yourself in an oncall job which was
discribed to you during the interview.. think hard before you take drastic
action against it.. if you ever find yourself out of work and look to get
hired again in the same sector.. you will find it much harder of you were
a big pest at your last job.. though not exactly a "black list" alot of
company managers work alot with managers of other companies ans such and a
simple "say do you know much about this srl guy?" with a negative response
can be bad.. 

same goes for suckering raises by constantly getting other offers and
forcing a managers hand...

fyi.. a techie with intresting manager friends :)

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On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, srl wrote:

> Hi all---
> For those of you in the US, does anyone know of a good guide to federal
> and state labor law wrt geek jobs? I'm doing some research before I start
> on a project that might have already been done.
> Basically, I'm thinking there's a need for a site to advise
> wet-behind-the-ears geeks about legal rights in the workplace-- on a
> federal and a state level. (for example--- can your employer require you
> to carry a beeper 24/7 with no backup and a 15-minute response time,
> without additional pay?)
> I and a few friends were talking about this, and we basically realized
> that we know too many under-25s (and older) who've been fucked by
> employers because they (the employees) didn't know that they were legally
> entitled to comp-time/overtime/sanity breaks. 
> We'd like to build a site that'll educate geeks about what they can do in
> situations like this, and how other geeks handle the same problems. 
> Anyone got thoughts or suggestions?
> srl
> ************
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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