> rule number 3 is don't use them on me!
> I'm going to license my debating techniques, I swear. And the license will
> read 'These techniques are GPL'd, unless your name is Chris Koontz, in
> which case, you can't use them, so nyah'

I hardly consider the tenique to be unique.. mind you.. I've been reading
atlas shrugged lately.. she is definatly one who works everything from the
ground up... which is how I like things :) even If I use my own "stop gap
trees sometimes :) )

> You know enough about my philosophy to know that the permanant tree isn't
> really up (I'm still back with why I shoudln't kill you, and why you
> shouldn't kill me)

Ahh a child came up to me and gave me the answer to this question
:) (warning persuing the full meaning of this answer may lead to an
infinate loop)

> so I"m using the stop gap tree, 
>which isn't nearly as
> robust, though is probably more robust than the average bear's.

The average bear operates mostly from instinct.. they seemed to have
survived quite well.. maybe there is a lesson in here somewhere..

> And the
> answer on that tree is rather simple. Why should they not? Why should some
> people have more power than others simply on terms of gender? Why does sex
> matter? 
> I can't prove why sex *shouldn't* matter -- the difficulties of proving a
> negative are well documented.

well if your happy with using the negatives of a question as an answer you
may as well be content to use "because" as an answer for everything...

> And that still showed a lack of tact (which I know is pointless to
> complain to you about, but you *really* ought to start thinking about
> that)

please explain what it was exactly I did wrong/untactful in private

> > exactly :)
> well then why were you asking which men? It was clear she meant all of
> them..

but they are all diffrent.. 

> Vinnie
> --
> Reality is a formality, an agreed upon set of lies -- J.D. Catron
> Obligatory pathetic website at http://george.he.net/~drachen
> ************
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