Alright that original message was proly flame bait.. but I'm going to
Without some form of standardization.. computers wouln't comunicate...
for all it's faults/holes/and other evilnesses I LOVE tcpip... it makes
sense.. and it works... (well that and it's faults help keep me employed
:) ) standards (especialy open ones) foster inovation by providing a basis
to build things apon that will work with other things using the same
core... think on that ehh? Having standards on things like computer
slots... means anyone with the know how and resources can build apon it...
and have it work in any computer that uses that standard..
Even Macintosh and Sun discovered that sometimes working with a standard
is a good thing when it comes to computer slots (they both now make PCI
based systems instead of nubus and sbus respectivly)
One last thought.. in refrence to html standards.. microsoft didn't start
breaking it... NETSCAPE did.. think <blink> and <frames>
don't hurt me.. I'm just a messanger of my views :)
/"\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X - NO HTML/RTF in e-mail
/ \ - NO Word docs in e-mail "This quote is false." -anon
On Thu, 29 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Jun 2000 16:17:57 -0700, "JoAnne Abbott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >Standards are the straitjacket of innovation!!!!!
> The problem isn't standards per se but rather a combination of
> unthinking adherence to past standards and excessively slow
> standards-making bodies. Well-documented industry standards increase
> competition, lower consumer costs, increase quality, and accelerate
> innovation. (This might explain why Microsoft tries to corrupt
> standards whenever it can.)
> Kelly
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