Messages by Thread
[R-sig-phylo] R package for testing correlation between two multistate discrete traits on a phylogeny?
Wu, Cheng-Chiang
Re: [R-sig-phylo] Testing different topological hypotheses - based on taxonomic treatments
Matthews, Luke
[R-sig-phylo] Fwd: Testing different topological hypotheses - based on taxonomic treatments
Chris Buddenhagen
[R-sig-phylo] estimating the evolutionary rate of a continous trait
Belinda Kahnt
[R-sig-phylo] BiSSE/MacroCAIC on Non-Ultrametric Tree with Polytomies?
Brian A. Gill
Re: [R-sig-phylo] Normal distribution in trait values before testing for phylogenetic signals?
Theodore Garland Jr
[R-sig-phylo] Normal distribution in trait values before testing for phylogenetic signals?
Ting-Wen Timothy Chen
[R-sig-phylo] Summarizing trait values through time
Jacob Berv
[R-sig-phylo] Testing for relationship between one categorical and one continuous variable in a phylogenetic framework.
Sean McKenzie
[R-sig-phylo] Determining Order of Trait Evolution
Gavin McLean Leighton
[R-sig-phylo] 'T151: New Approaches to Phylogenetic Paleobiology' at GSA Annual Meeting 2016. Sept 25-28 in Denver
David Bapst
[R-sig-phylo] [Bug] root.R: object 'fuseRoot' not found
Li, Fan
[R-sig-phylo] Phylogenetics and Newick Expressions in R
Sara Reese
[R-sig-phylo] Hi all.
Christian Hodar
[R-sig-phylo] Heteroplasmy in phylogenetic analysis
Jorge Carlos Berny Mier y Teran
Re: [R-sig-phylo] Using compar.gee on dataframes with multiples of the same species
[R-sig-phylo] Using compar.gee on dataframes with multiples of the same species
Skylar Lobdell
Re: [R-sig-phylo] [MORPHMET] model II regression statistics PAST
Joe Felsenstein
[R-sig-phylo] add.random() (phytools) assumptions
Bruno de Medeiros
[R-sig-phylo] summary stats for comparative methods p-values
Darrin Hulsey
[R-sig-phylo] Error in split MuSSE analysis (diversitree::make.musse.split)
roee maor
[R-sig-phylo] test random drift only?
[R-sig-phylo] root in mvOU
Jarrod Hadfield
[R-sig-phylo] How to use categorical vectors in package ape for phylogenetic independent contrasts
Kate Boyce-Miles
[R-sig-phylo] pruning taxa with short distance from a tree
Ting-Wen Timothy Chen
[R-sig-phylo] specific input on PGLS
Krishna Balasubramaniam
[R-sig-phylo] standard error (NaN) in model ARD
Felipe Rossetto
[R-sig-phylo] mvMORPH with MRO
Ryan Felice
Re: [R-sig-phylo] corHMM reconstruction not estimating internal node states
Arbuckle, Kevin
[R-sig-phylo] [corHMM reconstruction not estimating internal node states]
Michael Foisy
[R-sig-phylo] Workshop on phylogenetic comparative methods
Liam J. Revell
[R-sig-phylo] new testing version of ape
Emmanuel Paradis
[R-sig-phylo] Infer a matrix distance between gene trees without the same taxa
Charles Pouchon
[R-sig-phylo] Pairwise Distances
Pedro Paulo Goulart Taucce
Re: [R-sig-phylo] Accounting for phylogeny in binary predictor, binary response data
Joe Felsenstein
[R-sig-phylo] Accounting for phylogeny in binary predictor, binary response data
Grace Pold
[R-sig-phylo] Mirrored trees with connecting lines between taxa that are not in matching locations
Chris Buddenhagen
Re: [R-sig-phylo] cophyloplot-tree
Liam J. Revell
[R-sig-phylo] Convert Node Labels to Edge Labels
William Gearty
[R-sig-phylo] Warnings when calculating beta in apTreeshape
Pedro Neves
[R-sig-phylo] interpreting pGLS
Rizwana Rumman
[R-sig-phylo] PhD course: "Geometric Morphometrics Using R”. Lund University, 9-13 May 2016
Johan Hollander
[R-sig-phylo] multiple regression with binomial distribution
Knappová Jana
[R-sig-phylo] colouring tree branches like tips
Gygli, Gudrun
[R-sig-phylo] mcmcglmm with different classes of predictors
John Denton
[R-sig-phylo] Problem with bootstraping microstallite NJ tree
Vojtěch Zeisek
[R-sig-phylo] NERC Research Associate/Assistant in Phylogenetic Comparative Analyses of Vertebrate Invasion Success
Isabella Capellini
[R-sig-phylo] Problem on LAGOPUS package
Charles Pouchon
[R-sig-phylo] extract parent-child from newick
Yampolsky, Lev
[R-sig-phylo] getBtimes vs. branching.times
Yampolsky, Lev
[R-sig-phylo] NAns in HiSSE
Lena Frenzke
[R-sig-phylo] Package phytools load failed
Gabriela Wofkova
[R-sig-phylo] Fwd: Error message when running gls with estimated lambda
Antonella Soro
[R-sig-phylo] thread response spam
Hilmar Lapp
Re: [R-sig-phylo] plot trees distribution
Liam J. Revell
[R-sig-phylo] Disagreement between "length" of data and "length" of phylogeny
Michael Pauers
[R-sig-phylo] How to embed a function within a matrix
Alexandre F. Souza
[R-sig-phylo] Error in .jinit() : Cannot create Java virtual machine (-6) using dismo
Agus Camacho
[R-sig-phylo] Calculating branch lengths on a multiphylo object
Michael Pauers
[R-sig-phylo] add geoscale to histogram or density plot
John Denton
[R-sig-phylo] Computing the maximum agreement subtree for large non-binary trees
Ross Mounce
[R-sig-phylo] interpreting PGLS results when lambda>1
Zach Culumber
[R-sig-phylo] Detecting homoplasy
Read, Timothy D
[R-sig-phylo] Problems with dependency Biostrings
Klaus Schliep
[R-sig-phylo] Postdoctoral Fellowship available in New Zealand
Libby Liggins
[R-sig-phylo] Bug report in ape::root
Liam J. Revell
Re: [R-sig-phylo] Implementation of Mir et al.'s (2013) tree balance index
Re: [R-sig-phylo] R-sig-phylo Digest, Vol 95, Issue 6
Yu, Guangchuang
[R-sig-phylo] Implementation of Mir et al.'s (2013) tree balance index?
Gabriel Yedid
[R-sig-phylo] Fwd: Community analysis of average plant trait values with phylogenetic context
Benjamin O'Leary
[R-sig-phylo] Plotting sampled-ancestor trees in R
Roger Close
[R-sig-phylo] rate units in fitContinuous
Karla Shikev
[R-sig-phylo] Medusa analysis on posterior sample of trees
Ernesto De Castro
[R-sig-phylo] BiSSE models on multiphylo objects
Arbuckle, Kevin