Messages by Thread
[R-sig-phylo] Draw multiple ASR pies on nodes
Charles Pouchon
[R-sig-phylo] Maximize Mean Pairwise Distance (Leonardo R? Jorge)
Sh Esmaielbegi
[R-sig-phylo] Maximize Mean Pairwise Distance
Leonardo Ré Jorge
[R-sig-phylo] Truncate x-axis in phydataplot barplots
Marian Schubert
Re: [R-sig-phylo] Supertree with Stratigraphic Constraints
William Gearty
[R-sig-phylo] predicting computational needs of a MuSSE analysis?
Elizabeth Miller
[R-sig-phylo] 'FINAL CALL - Phylogentic data analysis using R'
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-phylo] ape functions to become generic
Emmanuel Paradis
[R-sig-phylo] accounting for unknown tip states in ancestral rescontructions using phytools and bayestraits
Jesse Delia
[R-sig-phylo] Error in dis[sppInSample, sppInSample] : subscript out of bounds
Jhonny Capichoni Massante
[R-sig-phylo] evolve discrete characters on non-ultrametric tree?
John Denton
[R-sig-phylo] phylogenetic signal-Blomberg's K
Menzel, Dr. Florian
[R-sig-phylo] Phylogenetic signal
Sergio Ferreira Cardoso
[R-sig-phylo] Use of a Phylocom tree for PGLS
Oscar Valverde
[R-sig-phylo] mulRF distance
Ondřej Mikula
[R-sig-phylo] Standard errors of theta estimates in OU models
Xiaojing Wei
[R-sig-phylo] Collapse a clade by tip labels while maintaining phylogenetic position
branchlizard .
[R-sig-phylo] plot.cophylo: how to change the colour of host-parasite associations
Juan Antonio Balbuena
[R-sig-phylo] Course Phylogenetic Analysis using R, March 6-10, Barcelona (Spain).
Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno
[R-sig-phylo] Anyone knows how to concatenate aligned genes sequences so as to create whole genome alignments?
Bhuller, Ravneet
[R-sig-phylo] fitDiscrete question - super large likelihood and AIC values
Lei Yang
[R-sig-phylo] ape - nj, mvr questions
Shai Tal
[R-sig-phylo] ape: chronos
Daniel Lang
[R-sig-phylo] suset DNAbin
Kirston Barton
[R-sig-phylo] Query about Phylogenetics in R
Bhuller, Ravneet
[R-sig-phylo] Is there a way to “layer” multiple distance matrices onto a single PCoA plot?
Shirley Lang
[R-sig-phylo] Gathering richness information for Medusa
Massana, Kathryn
[R-sig-phylo] ggtree paper published
Yu, Guangchuang
[R-sig-phylo] Measurement error for tips with only 1 measured specimen (OUwie)
Rafael S. Marcondes
[R-sig-phylo] Ultrametric tree not recognized
Martin Dohrmann
[R-sig-phylo] How to contribute?
Richel Bilderbeek
[R-sig-phylo] BAMM / BAMMtools reliability
Dan Rabosky
[R-sig-phylo] Unable to reorder any phylo object with reorder.phylo
Zach Culumber
[R-sig-phylo] Na/Nan/Inf error related to alpha value using corMartins in PGLS
Church, Samuel
[R-sig-phylo] 'Phylogenetic data analysis using R - STATS COURSE'
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-phylo] model assumptions and optimizing lambda when running Pgls across a block of trees
Jesse Delia
[R-sig-phylo] statistical tests for phylogenetic independent contrasts
[R-sig-phylo] failure of mvrs (tree construction based on the minimum variance reduction) - workaround?
Oliver Ratmann
[R-sig-phylo] extracting from mrbayes
John Denton
[R-sig-phylo] When we say a trait is phylogenetically labile
Chen, Ting-Wen
[R-sig-phylo] data anlysis
Rodrigo Gavira
[R-sig-phylo] suppress axes in phenogram()
Jacob Berv
[R-sig-phylo] Chronos function in ape
Marco Fracassetti
[R-sig-phylo] Bug report for CDF.birth.death.R
Niko Yasui
[R-sig-phylo] get divergence date for all tips on a chronogram
Chris Buddenhagen
[R-sig-phylo] Adjust position of tip labels in plot.phylo
Kamila Naxerova
[R-sig-phylo] chronos ape package does it return confidence intervals too?
Chris Buddenhagen
[R-sig-phylo] Nantucket phylogeny developeR bootcamp
Klaus Schliep
[R-sig-phylo] Error in plotBS when number of taxa is small
Kamila Naxerova
[R-sig-phylo] Pagel 94 Baysian Version 3 states?
mailbox Franz
[R-sig-phylo] multi-regime OU models and PGLS
[R-sig-phylo] genetic data analysis in R short course, Glasgow 16-20 Aug 2016
Thibaut Jombart
[R-sig-phylo] identify duplicate topologies and add corresponding values
John Denton
[R-sig-phylo] Simulating datasets under models with very low rates
Michael Foisy
[R-sig-phylo] root tree in ape 3.4 vs 3.2
Tomas Fer
[R-sig-phylo] Problem with drop.clade/drop.tip function?
Gopal Murali
[R-sig-phylo] Error in trees[[i]] : subscript out of bounds
Sergio Ferreira Cardoso
[R-sig-phylo] Using bind.tree on simmaps
Christie Ziegler
[R-sig-phylo] Unequal line widths for branches when sent to pdf in R
Chris Buddenhagen
[R-sig-phylo] Associated r created graphs or external images with specific nodes on a phylogeny
Chris Buddenhagen
[R-sig-phylo] Simulating data under precursor models
Michael Foisy
[R-sig-phylo] simulating continuous data
Bryan McLean
[R-sig-phylo] [function like ratebystate, but for discrete characters?]
Michael Foisy