Messages by Thread
[ccp4bb] O-glycans in coot and phenix/refmac
Jonas Emsley
[ccp4bb] PhD position in the MoSMed CDT at Durham University and the CCCD
[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral position in biological cryoEM software development
Chaban, Yuriy (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
[ccp4bb] AI and cis-peptides
Oliviero Carugo
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral fellow position at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, USA
T. Sam Xiao
[ccp4bb] Advanced Methods for Ambient Crystallography at ESRF-EBS Workshop - 21-23 November 2023
Matthew BOWLER
[ccp4bb] 5 postdoctoral fellows, NIH intramural institute, Frederick Maryland
Lea, Susan (NIH/NCI) [E]
[ccp4bb] Inputs required
Dr. Arka Chakraborty, PhD
[ccp4bb] CCP4 Summer School 2023: extra places available
Paul Bond
[ccp4bb] IUCr Fragment Screening Satellite [SEC=OFFICIAL]
[ccp4bb] Post-doctoral post at ICR with CR-UK Catalyst Grant
Andrew Turnbull
Briony Yorke
[ccp4bb] Error doing automatic select 2D classes job in Relion-4.0.0
Firdous Tarique
[ccp4bb] CCPBioSim Industry Talk Atommap
Sarah Fegan - STFC UKRI
[ccp4bb] BUSTER on CCP4 Cloud
Shawn R
[ccp4bb] CryoEM Current Practices Webinar Thursday 07/27/2023
Davulcu, Omar
[ccp4bb] Opportunity: Join the SAXS Team at EMBL Hamburg as an ARISE/Marie-Curie Fellow (Deadline: September 30, 2023)
Clement Blanchet
[ccp4bb] wwPDB News: PDB NextGen Archive Now Provides Intra-molecular Connectivity
Deborah Harrus
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral position at the University of Pavia in Italy
Hugo de Jonge
[ccp4bb] ARISE fellowship position, deadline: September 30, 2023
Margret Fischer
[ccp4bb] Coot query
Tom Peat
[ccp4bb] Post-doc in Paris
Carlos Kikuti
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral position at the University of York
Julie Tucker
[ccp4bb] Mac M2 chip
Daniel Bonsor
[ccp4bb] Question about BIOVIA DiscoveryStudio 2021
Fred Vellieux
[ccp4bb] General interest, education article
John R Helliwell
[ccp4bb] Job opportunities in cryoEM and integrative structural biology - SEMC, NYC, USA
Ed Eng
[ccp4bb] Scientist position available at Janssen Pharmaceutical in San Diego
Rui Xu
[ccp4bb] Two postdoctoral positions for Structural Biologists in Freiburg, Germany
Oliver Einsle
[ccp4bb] Calculation of active site and ligand area
Thripthi Shenoy
[ccp4bb] Two postdoctoral openings in structural biochemistry of fertilization at Karolinska Institutet
Luca Jovine
[ccp4bb] CCP4 Summer School 2023: deadline approaching!
Jon Agirre
[ccp4bb] quantifying electron density
Hughes, Jonathan
[ccp4bb] Binding affinity in AutoDock Vina
Thripthi Shenoy
Re: [ccp4bb] Peculiar issue with C2 datasets
Eleanor Dodson
[ccp4bb] LINXS Structure-Based Drug Discovery Symposium and course on Fragment Based Lead Discovery!
Raminta Venskutonyte
[ccp4bb] Win 10 DHCP-Server to assign fixed IP-address
Tim Gruene
[ccp4bb] CCP4 Cloud workshop IGBMC, Illkirch, France
Maria Fando - STFC UKRI
[ccp4bb] Serial Crystallography Workshop
Jeney Wierman
[ccp4bb] CryoEM Current Practices Webinar This Thursday, 06/29/2023
Christina Zimanyi
Re: [ccp4bb] Translational NCS (tNCS)
Esko Oksanen
[ccp4bb] Need suggestion
Afshan Begum
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral position in method development (York Structural Biology Laboratory)
Jon Agirre
[ccp4bb] Calculation of surface area of active site
Thripthi Shenoy
[ccp4bb] CBMS Lecture Series - Dominique Bourgeois - June 28, 13:30
Stojanoff, Vivian
[ccp4bb] Script to refine water molecules - help
De La Torre Marquez, Pedro Luis
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral position
Nadendla Eswarkumar
[ccp4bb] Join the Du & Lü Labs in exploring the molecular mechanisms of sensory perception (two postdoctoral positions available)
Juan Du
[ccp4bb] Doctoral Researcher Position in Molecular and Structural Biology, University of Helsinki, Filnand
Vidilaseris, Keni
[ccp4bb] PhD position at San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy
Degano Massimo
[ccp4bb] Tagging a membrane protein after the Signal peptide
samer halabi
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral Opportunity in cryo-EM of membrane transporters in Copenhagen
Azadeh Shahsavar
[ccp4bb] Ivano Bertini Award Nominations Now Open_Reward scientific excellence in the field of integrated structural biology
[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral Position at the Ohio State University
Krishna Chinthalapudi
[ccp4bb] Coot run in terminal not opening mtz
Evgenii Osipov
[ccp4bb] Pan-structural biology sample prep workshop at ACA
Christina Zimanyi
[ccp4bb] CCPBioSim Industry Talk - online
Sarah Fegan - STFC UKRI
[ccp4bb] Fwd: Position open in the HILIFE Instruct-FI cryoEM unit for a research technician - please distribute
Kajander, Tommi A
[ccp4bb] Command line use of Indexing reference mtz and autosetting of resolution limits to a specific I/sigI minimum.
Nichols, Charlie
[ccp4bb] Adding metal ions
Veerendra Kumar
[ccp4bb] CryoEM Current Practices Webinar - 06/29/2023
Christina Zimanyi
[ccp4bb] Senior HPC Engineer JOB
Speck, Christian
[ccp4bb] COOT: Rotate/Translate Fragment tool
Andrew Gulick
[ccp4bb] wwPDB: NMR restraint remediation conforms to standard NMR-STAR and NEF format
Deborah Harrus
[ccp4bb] AViDD Open Science Forum Webinar - Wednesday, 21 June 2023
Jessie Slater
[ccp4bb] PhD position in structural glycobiology in Grenoble
Lukas Gajdos
[ccp4bb] Call for BAG proposals for MX beamline P11, PETRA III, DESY
Hakanpää , Johanna
[ccp4bb] Job:team leader in Structural Biology
Linda Miallau
[ccp4bb] Bringing Up The Next Pivotal Change in Training and Supporting x-ray/cry-oem scientists
Dr. Arka Chakraborty, PhD
[ccp4bb] removing symmetry operations for PDB deposition
Prof. Ivan Huc
[ccp4bb] Two postdoc positions in Ubiquitin Signalling, WEHI, Melbourne, Australia
Bernhard Lechtenberg
[ccp4bb] eLBOW aromatic restraints
Henry Padley
[ccp4bb] checkCIF alert
Soheil Mahmoudi
[ccp4bb] PDB, mmCIF, chain ID
Harry Powell
[ccp4bb] PhD position in Structural Biology
[ccp4bb] wwPDB NEWS: DNS name changes for PDB archive downloads from wwPDB to start September 2023
Deborah Harrus
[ccp4bb] PhD opportunity in membrane protein structural biology
Schertler Gebhard
[ccp4bb] cryo-electron tomography experiments at the ESRF CM01 cryo-EM facility
David FLOT
[ccp4bb] Regarding Amber Force field
Abhilasha Thakur
[ccp4bb] Post-doc positions - Columbia University, New York
Liang Tong
[ccp4bb] Register now! Instruct-ERIC webinar 13 June 2023 11 CEST
[ccp4bb] Apple glasses
Goldman, Adrian
[ccp4bb] Introducing the Nucleic Acid Knowledgebase and retirement of NDB in July
Cathy Lawson
[ccp4bb] wwPDB News Update: ls-lR index file in the PDB archive to be removed on July 12, 2023
Deborah Harrus
[ccp4bb] Regarding RNA str Modeling
Abhilasha Thakur
[ccp4bb] 2023 Cold Spring Harbor Macromolecular Crystallography Course
Paul Adams
[ccp4bb] Error in xdsgui: you have to install generate_XDS.INP in your path
Zhen Gong
[ccp4bb] Is it possible to process master.h5 file using XDS Mac version (Intel)?
Zhen Gong
[ccp4bb] New York City Integrative Structural Biology Symposium October 13, 2023 in NYC, NY, USA
Ed Eng
[ccp4bb] Save the dates: CCP4-BCA Summer School in York 19-25 August 2023
Jon Agirre
[ccp4bb] New CCP4 article now published
Louise Jones
[ccp4bb] Hiring: Principal Scientist - Electron Microscopy: Bristol Myers Squibb, NJ, USA
Sharma, Alok
[ccp4bb] Open Postdoctoral position — Rogala Lab at Stanford
Kacper Rogala
[ccp4bb] Structural Biology Facility Manager position at Imperial College London
Bubeck, Doryen A
[ccp4bb] Group Leader Position
Magnus Wolf-Watz
[ccp4bb] Issue with CSO in Coot & Refmac
Nicholas Clark
Re: [ccp4bb] British X-ray Crystallographers
Jon Cooper
[ccp4bb] Postdoc position at SBBS, QMUL
Vidya Darbari
[ccp4bb] Post-doc opportunity in integrative structural biology
John Kirkpatrick
[ccp4bb] Research Scientist Position - Flaherty Lab Purdue University
Flaherty, Daniel P
[ccp4bb] New release of PISA-lite software for calculating macromolecular interaction data
Deborah Harrus
[ccp4bb] Issues with viewing images with dials
Zoe Markham-Lee