Apropos Phil’s last point - 

> 4.  On the model front, go find an AlphaFold model, they have worked for me 
> multiple times in molecular replacement so far.

If there is no extant Alphafold model, it may be worthwhile creating your own 
via colabfold (duckduckgo it like I did…). Only takes a short time...

best wishes


> On 2 Aug 2023, at 20:20, Phil Jeffrey <pjeff...@princeton.edu> wrote:
> 1.  Completeness is primarily an issue with using the right point group and 
> crystal system, not the actual space group (e.g. in primitive point group mmm 
> the space groups P222, P2221, P21212, P212121 should all have essentially the 
> same completeness).
> 2.  If "refinalize" in CrysAlisPro doesn't let you choose the right point 
> group and system, then you should process the data with another program.  
> XDS, MOSFLM, DIALS, autoPROC etc might work, and I have to believe they'd be 
> better at scaling your data.
> 3.  If you can export the unscaled data from CrysAlisPro you might be able to 
> feed it into POINTLESS and AIMLESS for scaling
> 4.  On the model front, go find an AlphaFold model, they have worked for me 
> multiple times in molecular replacement so far.
> Phil Jeffrey
> Princeton
> On 8/2/23 3:00 PM, CENGIZ KAAN FERAH wrote:
>> Hello,
>> So I'm trying to get the data processed that I gathered from XRD for the 
>> protein BsAlaDH. Unfortunately from the method that I know of on CrysAlisPro 
>> I cannot select the recommended space group for the protein. This results in 
>> the data not being complete. Still I can get good unit cells and the 
>> degrees. Another problem is that this protein has no structure published on 
>> PDB. And the homolog proteins do not have high similarities. By that way I 
>> cannot really find a suitable space group. Can someone give me a hand on 
>> this issue.
>> Thank you.
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