Messages by Thread
Relation between Texture coefficient and March coefficient
Shay Tirosh
Le bail and rietveld method
Peng, Jin
atomic position
Rachid Abkar
Announcement for NYU X-Ray Diffraction Workshop on June 29-30th, update
Chunhua Hu
Gandolfi camera suppliers
Natale Perchiazzi
The PANalytical award 2016
gwilherm . nenert
Rietveld workshop by using MAUD software
Berthier, Eric
Announcement for NYU X-Ray Diffraction Workshop on June 29-30th
Chunhua Hu
Announcement for 4-day Rietveld school
Khalifah, Peter
Amorphous content with GSAS-II
Young, Lindsay Kay
Parafocussing definition?
Matthew Rowles
software to generate jpg or tiff plots of multiple patterns from in-situ measurement
Leopoldo Suescun
Noise in XRD
Shay Tirosh
Debye-Rietveld celebration September 22, 2016 Amsterdam
Celeste Reiss
ED-XPD Workshop
Lynne McCusker
13th TOPAS User's Meeting - FINAL AGENDA
Kern, Arnt
Launch of the PANalytical award 2016
gwilherm . nenert
Fwd: 30th Meeting of the European Crystallographic Association, 28.8. - 1.9.2016, Basel, Switzerland: Call for early bird registration
Alan Hewat
Aking for Advice - reduce the current to X-ray tube to avoid director saturation at low angels
Shay Tirosh
13th TOPAS Users’ Meeting - A list of speakers and presentations is now available
Kern, Arnt
Combined Analysis Using X-ray and Neutron Scattering by using MAUD software
Automated XRD Date
Cline, James Dr.
Reynolds Cup 2016 registration closed
Reinhard Kleeberg
Extension of ADD2016 abstract deadline
Reminder: Reynolds Cup 2016 registration opened, start January 22nd
Reinhard Kleeberg
Sarah and BasIreps
Hellen Ting
structure solution terminology
Lubomir Smrcok
asking for a cif file
ji zhang
RMCProfile Workshop Announcement
Levin, Igor
Reynolds Cup 2016 registration opened
Reinhard Kleeberg
13th TOPAS User's Meeting - 1st Announcement
Kern, Arnt
Announcement workshop BGMN/Profex focused on phase analysis
Reinhard Kleeberg
International Iron Ore Round Robin 2015 - Call for participants
ADD2016 School and Conference: First Announcement
Second announcement: Powder Diffraction & Rietveld Refinement School, Durham 2016
Lubomir Smrcok
Gentle Reminder: The PANalytical Award, deadline 01st December
gwilherm . nenert
Fullprof and OSX El Capitan
Joost van Duijn
proposed Q&A site for crystallography
Marcin Wojdyr
Asking for Cif file.
גילי כהן תאגורי
Quantitative internal standards
Julian Richard Tolchard
2016 Powder Diffraction & Rietveld Refinement School, Durham
relating site symmetry in crystals to point group
Enyuan Hu
FWHM Plot of 3 SRMs
Cline, James Dr.
Request: Nominations for Focus Topic "Magnetic entanglement and complex magnetic materials" at the 2016 American Crystallographic Asso c iation Meeting in Denver (CO).
Llobet Megias, Anna
Postdoc position available at CRISMAT
Daniel Chateigner
Fullprof ATZ
Karel Knizek
Reminder: The PANalytical award
gwilherm . nenert
graphic software for XRD evaluations
Pierkes, Roland
Selective peak broadening - interpretation and handling in FullProf
Kotaro SAITO
Air scatter blocker
ji zhang
synchrotron beamline info
Natale Perchiazzi
exotic CIF-tag
Artem Babaryk
Proposal to avoid banning for attachments in the list
Fabrizio Guzzetta
What Year Is It?
May, Frank
a natural sample
Lubomir Smrcok
about pair distribution function
Peng, Jin
Obtaining a silicon standard wafer
Young, Lindsay Kay
Need Your Help in Structure Refinement
Sirous Khabbazabkenar (Student)
RE: What's in a name?
Timothy Hyde
Cyberstar hot air blowers
SAJ Kimber