Dear all , 2016 is a special year for diffraction: - 100 years ago Peter Debye performed, together with Paul Scherrer, the first powder diffraction experiment. - 50 years ago Hugo Rietveld introduced "Rietveld Refinement" for powder diffraction data. We would like to celebrate the centennial and golden jubilee with you on September 22, 2016. As of today it is possible to register for the Debye-Rietveld celebration. The celebration will take place in the Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam (STCA) at the Grasweg 31 in Amsterdam. We are very happy that Hugo Rietveld will be attending the conference and we are grateful for the generous support by our sponsors. The programme will be a mix of historical and scientific talks with speakers from the Netherlands, UK, Germany and Greece, from academia and industry talking about structure determination, material analysis, Neutron and X-ray diffraction, methods, batteries, catalysts and proteins. During the breaks there will be poster sessions and an industrial exhibition. There will be ample time to meet friends and colleagues and have discussions during the breaks. During the evening program you can join for a canal ride through the historical centre of Amsterdam followed by an informal diner at a restaurant at the IJ-river. You can register by going to the conference website and click on Join Celebration. There are limited seats, so please register as soon as possible. We hope to see you in September in Amsterdam! The Debye-Rietveld organizing committee Bram Schierbeek CĂ©leste Reiss Lambert van Eijck
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