Dear all, Bruker AXS cordially invites you to the 13th TOPAS Users' Meeting, which will be held June 10-12, 2016, in Bari, Italy.
The meeting provides a review of state of the art profile fitting analyses using TOPAS, hosting a program of invited speakers. The major component is to demonstrate TOPAS's outstanding modeling methods and related applications in X-ray and neutron diffraction. Participation is open for anyone, TOPAS users and non-users, interested in learning more about the TOPAS capabilities and applications. Participants are encouraged to submit discussion topics in advance to the organizers. The final schedule will take issues of general interest into account. Presentations and example data used will be distributed to the participants as made available by the speakers. The 13th TOPAS Users' Meeting preceeds the 15th European Powder Diffraction Conference (EPDIC15) held at Bari, Italy, June 12-15, 2016 ( We will focus on the following 3 topics: - Crystal structure determination and refinement - Microstructure analysis, specifically WPPM - Pair distribution function analysis The detailed program will be published in the 2nd announcement beginning of 2016. Organizers: Arnt Kern, Bruker AXS, Germany Paolo Scardi, Uni Trento, Italy Anja Griessmeier, Bruker AXS, Germany Location and hotel reservation: The TOPAS User's Meeting venue is the same as for EPDIC15: THE NICOLAUSHOTEL Via Cardinale A. Ciasca, 27 70124 Bari [Italia] Tel +39 080 5682111 Fax +39 080 5042058 For more information and registration please go to
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