*Position for Ph.D. Thesis Project*

*Crystal structure determination of metal organic salts for conservation science using high resolution X-ray powder diffraction*

The State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research is offering a position for a Ph.D. student. The research project aims for a better understanding of the production of pigments and the corrosion of materials used by mankind during history. In many cases, single crystals suitable for conventional structure determination cannot be obtained, neither from natural nor synthetic samples. Therefore, unknown crystalline natural or artificial corrosion products either sampled from objects or synthesized in the lab shall be studied by laboratory and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction.

The position is available from July 2016. The successful applicant will receive a salary according to the available grant from the Stuttgart State Academy (2/3 TV-L E13 for three years). Working place will be at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart-Büsnau. The candidate should have a strong background in any field of chemistry or physics. A short motivational letter and a short CV should be sent to Prof. Robert Dinnebier (r.dinneb...@fkf.mpg.de <mailto:r.dinneb...@fkf.mpg.de>) and to Prof. Gerhard Eggert (gerhard.egg...@abk-stuttgart.de) preferably by E-mail.

Prof. Dr. Robert E. Dinnebier
Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
Heisenbergstrasse 1
D-70569 Stuttgart
Tel: (+49) (0)711 689 1503
Fax: (+49) (0)711 689 1502
E-mail: r.dinneb...@fkf.mpg.de
Web: http://www.fkf.mpg.de/xray

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