When I moved to CSIRO Mineral Chemistry in Melbourne in mid-1977, I inherited a non-working Philips PW1050 based lab-system which had been retrofitted with a home-made stepping motor and controller. It must have been installed during 1975 or 1976 but it was either late 1977 or in 1978 that I got the system working. This was about the time that I started my collaboration with Rod Hill - we used the system (controlled via punch tape on a Teletype) to collect (i) single peak data for QPA (esp. on magnesite ore deposits) and (ii) long range step scan data.
The success of this bit of work enable us to justify the later purchase of a commercial XRD controller (a Philips PW1710) in the early 1980s ?? Cheers o----------------------------oo0oo----------------------------o Ian Madsen Honorary Fellow CSIRO Mineral Resources Flagship Private Bag 10, Clayton South 3169 Victoria, AUSTRALIA Phone +61 3 9545 8785 direct +61 3 9545 8500 switch +61 (0) 417 554 935 mobile FAX +61 3 9562 8919 Email ian.mad...@csiro.au o----------------------------oo0oo----------------------------o ________________________________ From: rietveld_l-requ...@ill.fr [rietveld_l-requ...@ill.fr] on behalf of Cline, James Dr. [james.cl...@nist.gov] Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 2:47 AM To: rietveld_l@ill.fr Subject: Automated XRD Date Hi all, Anyone know when/where the first automated powder diffractometer was commissioned? I’m going to presume it was used with a non-laboratory source: 2nd, when/where was the first lab diffractometer commissioned? Regards, Jim James P. Cline Materials Measurement Science Division National Institute of Standards and Technology 100 Bureau Dr. stop 8520 [ B113 / Bldg 217 ] Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8523 USA jcl...@nist.gov<mailto:jcl...@nist.gov> (301) 975 5793 FAX (301) 975 5334
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