Dear all, 

After various requests I am forwarding the following email I received from 
Ivelisse Cabrera regarding the question I posted about Fullprof an OSX el 
Captain. I apologise for not doing so sooner, I thought it had been posted to 
the list. 



> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Ivelisse Cabrera <>
> Subject: Re: Fullprof and OSX El Capitan
> Date: 7 November 2015 at 01:54:19 GMT+1
> To: Joost van Duijn <>
> Cc:
> Dear Joost, 
> There is a way to overcome this problem by temporarily disabling rootless 
> mode in your computer by following these steps:
> 1. Reboot into recovery mode (reboot and hold down Cmd-R)
> 2. Open a terminal
> 3. Use this command: csrutil disable
> 4. Reboot and run the command that worked prior to El Capitan (i.e., sudo ln 
> -s /Applications/Darwin/openmotif-2.2.3-universal /usr/OpenMotif)
> 5. Reboot into recovery mode (reboot and hold down Cmd-R)
> 2. Open a terminal
> 3. Use this command: csrutil enable
> (The following instructions were modified from those found at 
> <>)
> These steps should allow you to add a symbolic link to OpenMotif and 
> hopefully fullprof will work. 
> Good luck, 
> Ivelisse
> ​==================================== 
> Ivelisse M. Cabrera, Ph.D.
> Guest Researcher 
> NIST Center for Neutron Research
> E-mail: <>
> Phone: (240) 938-0833 <tel:%28240%29%20938-0833>
> ==================================== 

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