As a point of semantics, how exactly is copyright enforced with respect to the 
content of these databases? The crystal structures are in most cases published 
elsewhere, so there is no way that ICDD or ICSD can "own" them in any way. And 
even if claimed they did, can a crystal structure actually be copyrighted, as 
it is hardly a creative work?


From: [] on behalf of Alan 
Hewat []
Sent: 14 June 2016 11:06
To: Matteo Leoni
Cc: Rachid Abkar;
Subject: Re: atomic position

On 14 June 2016 at 10:16, Matteo Leoni 
However, please update your records. The PDF-4+ is not the PDF-2. The PDF-4+ 
... contains also most of the ICSD coordinates that have been however 
thoroughly checked in house, quality marked, cross referenced and corrected 
when needed.

Thank you for the correction :-) As I wrote, both databases are copyright, and 
since the ICSD is more complete (and probably less expensive) my advice to 
purchase that is still valid, though you can already find publications with 
Google. ICSD entries have also been "thoroughly checked in house, quality 
marked, cross referenced and corrected when needed."
   Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
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