Dear Kotaro, 

The microstructure-related peak broadening always increase with 2Theta (and 
decrease with d). 
In your case, I suspect, the increase of FWHM with d might be due to an 
instrumental contribution, as the general trend looks similar to that of the 
CeO2 standard. 

Best regards, 

Leonid A. Solovyov
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
660036, Akademgorodok 50/24, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

----- Original Message -----
From: Kotaro SAITO <>
To: Radovan Cerny <>;
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2015 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: Selective peak broadening - interpretation and handling in FullProf

Dear Radovan and Leonid,

Thanks for your comments.
Both papers are very interesting and seem to contain good hints for my case.

Now I am confusing when I compare peak width vs. 2th in constant wave profiles  
and peak width vs. d in TOF.
When I plot FWHM/d vs. d, FWHM/d of all-odd peaks increases with increasing d. 
(Note these FWHM are obtained with multiple peak fitting with simple Gaussian.)
In other words, peak broadening is large for small hkl peaks.
Here is the plot. (not an attachment file!)
On the other hand, for example Fig.3 in Leonid’s paper 
(, peak broadening is larger for 
large 2th, which means large hkl peaks.
If the peak broadening in my TOF data has a similar origin as two papers which 
Radovan and Leonid showed, is it acceptable to have such different hkl 
dependence between TOF and 2th data? Or do I miss some basic points about 

Best regards, 


  Kotaro SAITO
  High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
  Institute of Materials Structure Science
  1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801, Japan
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