
I've seen pressed discs of silicon powder that were supplied with older Philips 
diffractometers, and I understand that PANalytical will presently supply them 
with their new machines.  NIST offers no such standard of silicon in a disc 
format.  But I can suggest that you consider SRM 640e which is supplied as 
powder.  One can mount a specimen of it carefully to obtain high density and a 
flat specimen surface, and then infiltrate the powder bed with silicone based 
liquid resin such as Vacseal.  See:

The surface of the compact will darken to a uniform color when the infiltration 
is complete.  This will result in a stable compact with the diffraction 
properties of SRM 640e.



James P. Cline
Materials Measurement Science Division
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Dr. stop 8520 [ B113 / Bldg 217 ]
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8523    USA<>
(301) 975 5793
FAX (301) 975 5334

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Young, Lindsay Kay
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2015 1:28 PM
Subject: Obtaining a silicon standard wafer

Hello Rietvelders -

This is not exactly a data question, but I am sure someone here can help. I am 
looking into purchasing a silicon powder standard wafer for PXRD instrument 
alignment. However, I am not sure where to get one or how much I might expect 
one to cost. My questions to all of you are:

- Do you know where I could purchase this type of standard?

- How much would you expect to pay for one?

- I have been told Gem Dugout makes these, but they may not be around any more. 
Does anyone know what happened to them?

Thank you very much for your help, and I hope you all have a great weekend!

- Lindsay Young
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