Dear all,

for reporting of XRD measurements and evaluations, we use an old version of 
STOE software which is a little bit unconfortable and is not working in all 
features under Windows 8.
Now I would like to ask if somebody could recommend such a graphic and 
evaluation tool. We need the following features:

- evaluation of raw files using the common datasets of pdf files (no automated 
evaluation categorically necessary...)
- definition of own phase subgroups for short evaluations
- stacking of several different raw files, free choice of stacking distance and 
- free choice of displayed angles
- coloured display of several (at least 20 different) phases, free choice of 
- tags of the phases in length relation to the relative intensity of the single 
peaks (not thick or thin tags), able to be scaled
- saving in common graphic formates and as graphic file

... and nice to have:
- display of a difference plot of two raw files
- display of PO effects in tag length

Some good ideas for it? Thanks in advance...

Best regards

i.A. Roland Pierkes


Roland Pierkes, Dipl.-Min.
Cement Chemistry<><>
Tel.: +49-211-45 78-261
Fax: +49-211-45 78-44427
research ¢ technology
Tannenstrasse 2, 40476 Duesseldorf, GERMANY
Chief Executive VDZ e.V.: Dr Martin Schneider
Managing director: Dr Volker Hoenig, Dr Christoph Müller
Registration office: Duesseldorf
Court of registration: Duesseldorf
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