We have Rigaku, smartlab x-ray defractometer. But we have some problem to
run it now like below:
We initially had issues with the sample alignments where the peaks were
outside of the typical range. Before the problem was fixed, we ran optical
alignments and changed the slits once or twice. Once this issue was fixed,
we were able to run two or three samples before the errors shown below
popped up. Error code 0922 appeared after the sample alignment was
complete, so we restarted everything in an attempt to correct the problem.
Upon restarting, error code 0 appeared. We clicked OK and proceeded to run
a sample alignment. Error code 0922 appeared once again.

Does anyone have same issue using Rigaku before and suggestion?



On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 9:49 AM, Khalifah, Peter <kp...@bnl.gov> wrote:

> We are pleased to announce that the second annual “Modern Methods in
> Rietveld Refinement for Structural Analysis” school will be held from
> August 8-11, 2016, at Stony Brook University (New York, USA) in close
> partnership with Brookhaven National Laboratory and Bruker-AXS.  There will
> be a special emphasis on the new XPD beamline at the NSLS-II synchrotron,
> with one day of new exercises and lectures dedicated to the collection and
> analysis of synchrotron diffraction data using 2D area detectors.
> The primary goal of this school is to teach participants Rietveld
> refinement and other methods for evaluating crystal structures from powder
> diffraction data with an emphasis on data collected on national user
> facility beamlines such as the 11-BM synchrotron beamline at the APS at
> Argonne National Laboratory, the POWGEN and NOMAD time-of-flight neutron
> diffraction beamlines at the SNS of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the
> XPD beamline at the NSLS-II synchrotron at BNL.  The combination of
> advances in instrumentation and advances in software algorithms now allow
> many challenging structural problems to be resolved solely from powder
> diffraction data, and an up-to-date instruction in modern methods will be
> provided.  This course will emphasize traditional non-molecular solid state
> compounds, and will use the TOPAS software as the platform for Rietveld
> refinement (complementary trial license will be provided to participants).
> Confirmed 2016 instructors include Prof. Peter Khalifah (SBU), Prof. John
> Parise (SBU), Prof. Cora Lind  (U. Toledo), Prof. Tyrel McQueen (Johns
> Hopkins University), Dr. Eric Dooryhee (BNL, XPD) Dr. Saul Lapidus (ANL,
> 11-BM), Dr. Wenqian Xu (ANL, 17-BM), and Dr. Christina Drathen (Bruker-AXS).
> Further information about the course, including the application materials,
> are available through the website: https://sites.google.com/a/
> stonybrook.edu/mmrrsa-portal/.
> There will be no registration fee associated with this course.  There are
> ongoing fundraising efforts to additionally support the lodging and meal
> expenses of most or all participants in this program, though all travel
> expenses will remain the responsibility of participants.
> While this course is open to all applicants, priority will be given to
> Ph.D. students and post-doctoral researchers from North American
> institutions.  *Completed applications should be received by June 15,
> 2016*, although later applications may still be considered.
> Dr. Peter Khalifah, kp...@bnl.gov
> Associate Professor            Chemist
> Dept. of Chemistry             Dept. of Chemistry
> Stony Brook University         Brookhaven National Laboratory
> Stony Brook, NY 11794-3400     Upton, NY 11973-5000
> Office: 447 Grad. Chemistry    Office: Bldg 555, Rm 340
> Phone: (631)632-7796           Phone: (631)344-7689
> Fax: (631)632-7960             Fax: (631)344-5815
> Web page: https://sites.google.com/a/stonybrook.edu/pgk/home
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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> text
> The Rietveld_L list archive is on http://www.mail-archive.com/
> rietveld_l@ill.fr/
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