Sorry.  a few extra words needed about this thing and i thought we were talking 
about the same thing. but totally forgot the design
The original D4's blocker/knife looked like a cantilever hanging from the 
primary slits assemblage.  I used it for a few months and found it cumbersome 
(it sat in the drawer for ever and ever). so had a piece machined and installed 
on the stage (there are 4 screws holes on the stage anyway)
currently the D8's blocker is hanging from the theta circle
That figure just shows where the difference is the most obvious. at low 2theta, 
the profile difference is hard to judge 
i did not mean an antiscatter slit; that thing normally is installed on an arm 
infront of the detector

     On Thursday, July 30, 2015 12:51 AM, Martin Fisch <> 

I don’t know the new (motorized?) beamknife of the D8. The one of the D4 was 
fixed on the moving tube arm and had to be inclined to the sample and to the 
left of the goniometer axis.
If you mean something different it is best to ask bruker or the BGMN community 
directly. When looking at the figure, I notice that it is 2Theta = 150°. With a 
(normal and correctly adjusted) beamknife, you cannot measure above ca. 110°.
MAybe you mean an antiscatter slit in the beam? As this says, it only reduces 
scattering and only changes the BG, no changes to the pattern.

On 30.07.2015, at 01:58, ji zhang <> wrote:
Martin:other than making sure the blade is perpendicular to the sample surface 
and parallel to the goniometer axis, I do not understand how to correctly 
adjust it.theoretically, it serves like another variable slit thus it should 
change the shape and intensity.  At least by theory.the attached graph is 
calculated peak profiles using configuration modified  from Nicola Doebelin's 
d8-lynxeye-fds-02_1.sav.    the only added statement is AirScat=1 (mm).  
certainly it maybe true that at low angles the difference may not be 


     On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 4:07 PM, Martin Fisch <> 

 If correctly adjusted, there is no contribution to the diffraction pattern, 
except for changes in the background. 
Check whether correctly adjusted with intensities of a known sample from 0 to 
ca. 90° 2Theta.


On 29.07.2015, at 20:59, ji zhang <> wrote:

About ten years ago, I was working on a D4 with lynx eye, had to put an air 
scatter blocker 1 or 2 mm above the powder sample. In the beginning, I had to 
put simple geometry into the bgmn configuration sav-file until Dr Bergmann put 
a parameter airscatter=#. 
Now I came back to the business with a D8 with lynx eye; is there anybody here 
willing to share the experience of handling it in TOPAZ?
Jilin zhang

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