Good work Armel. Yes, sharing of open databases is encouraged :-) But
please don't attach files.

  From my mobile telephone
 Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
<> +33.476.98.41.68
On 15 Jun 2016 15:57, "xtal" <> wrote:

> At 17:21 14/06/2016 +0200, you wrote:
> So far as I know (I may be wrong :-) ordered atomic positions for the two
> requested compounds, with supposed formulae *Ba2TeO4 *and *Ba2TeO5*,
> have not been determined. The closest I found were as I wrote:Â *"Sr Te
> O6 and Ba Te O6
> <>"
> *and *"Sr Te O4
> <>".
> *I understand that unit cells and space groups have been assigned, but
> that is not sufficient.
> If I am wrong, and ordered structures with this stoichiometry have indeed
> been determined, I hope people who have access to the databases will
> confirm that these structures actually exist, to save Rachid time and
> money. Otherwise it is not permitted to share or promote commercial
> databases on the Rietveld list.
> Alan.
> Hi Alan,
> If I understand well, sharing or promoting open databases is permitted on
> the Rietveld list...
> About Ba2TeO5, it is said that it is isomorphous with Ba2WO5 and Sr2WO5.
> Ba2WO5 belongs to the K2VO2F3 structure type which is described in an
> Acta Cryst B issue and available as an entry in the Crystallography Open
> Database :
> It is orthorhombic pseudo-tetragonal with 2b~c
> Ba2TeO5 was originally indexed as tetragonal or possibly orthorhombic.
> So, here are very probably starting atomic positions for Ba2TeO5 ;-)
> Best,
> Armel

*   Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE *
<> +33.476.98.41.68
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