Messages by Thread
DDM update to 1.6
Leonid Solovyov
GSAS data formats
RIET: ACA 2009 Toronto student travel support / young scientist awards
Lachlan Cranswick
Error messages when posting to the Rietveld list
Alan Hewat
How to determine the crystalline system
How to determine the space group of the sample
background subtraction R values
Brian H. Toby
2 post-doctoral positions in the structural characterisation of novel hydrogen storage materials at ISIS/Oxford
David, WIF (Bill)
Olga Smirnova
Rietan2000 help needed
Ralf Theissmann
Looking for Expo2004 tutorial
Michael J. Bojdys
RIET: New bilingual English/Spanish beginners crystallographic teaching website
Lachlan Cranswick
cif file request
Ioannis Androulakis
scattering factor for B+3
Shalendra sent you a private message on Tagged - please respond
Shalendra Kumar
[no subject]
Laks Lakshminarasimhan
Workshop announcement
Robert Dinnebier
IRF, split-pV and axial divergence asymmetri
Budi Hartono
Example of flipping ratio .pcr file
Amy L Poole
To extract the old refinement files using expguy
XRD data for iprodione
María Susana Conconi
Planar restraints in GSAS
Fabio Furlan Ferreira
Forthcoming meeting
Shankland, K (Kenneth)
Bragg-Brentano vs. parallel beam
Markus Valkeapää
RE: how to extract %wts etc... from .lst file automatically... [SEC=PERSONAL]
Mibeck, Blaise
how to extract %wts etc... from .lst file automatically...
Mibeck, Blaise
Introducing myself and a MAUD+thin film related question
Mikko Heikkilä
Warren-Averbach analysis
Eduard E. Levin
Problems with EXPGUI on MAC OS X 10.5.6
Dimitri Argyriou
Magnetic form factors for RU5+
Kaustubh R. S. Priolkar
RIET: Abstract submission and Registration for ACA 2009 conference - Toronto, Ontario, Canada: July 25 - 30, 2009
Lachlan Cranswick
Rietveld Package...
Lee Gerrard
Rietveld Package.
Lee Gerrard
M D preferrd orientation:GSAS
geometric restraints in TOPAS
Peter Y. Zavalij
instrument file
nrutya gopi
error in peak positions that is linear in theta
Kurt Leinenweber
Apparent Size
edgar . sanches
electron density contour plot by GSAS
Tickmarks in Grace
Renato Bastos Guimarães
[Fwd: Question on file formats]
Question on file formats
Lee Gerrard
error reading numbers of excluded regions
calculation of VWDS and SWDS from distributions?
Максим В . Лобанов
crystal strcuture of ZrB2, ZrC, and MoSi2
Re: Can anybody do me a favor to refine my Y2O3?
Leonid Solovyov
Another profile question
Stuart Miller
macro's in TOPAS
Ross Williams
Structure of YbAlO3 _ Pbnm
Renato Bastos Guimarães
RIET: Re: I am a newcome, how can I begin my rietveld refinement analysis
Lachlan Cranswick
I am a newcome, how can I begin my rietveld refinement analysis
Mingtao Li
Re: I am a newcome, how can I begin my rietveld refinement analysis
Rietveld: U,V,W
May, Frank
Re: Rietveld: U,V,W
Brian H. Toby
Re: Rietveld: U,V,W
Mingtao Li
RE: Rietveld: U,V,W
Maxim V. Lobanov
RE: Rietveld: U,V,W
Leonid Solovyov
Re: RE: Rietveld: U,V,W
Davor Balzar
Re: Rietveld: U,V,W
Jim Cline
I am a newcome, how can I begin my rietveld refinement analysis
Mingtao Li
Re: I am a newcome, how can I begin my rietveld refinement analysis
Leonid Solovyov
text/reference book "Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of Materials. 2nd Edition"
Peter Y. Zavalij
DDM update
Leonid Solovyov
Using Fullprof with GEM data on MAC
Joost van Duijn
GSAS bond angle reconstraints
Jenny Shao
2nd FullProf School at ILL (26-30 January 2009)
Gabriel Cuello
texture course in Milano
Monica Dapiaggi (monica.dapiaggi)
Re: Suggestion about software(s) for size profile-broadening calculation
Edward Laitila
Suggestion about software(s) for size profile-broadening calculation
cif File of Nb2O5
Devendra Bhange
unit cell size limitation in GSAS?
Jae-Ho Chung
ICSD update v2008-2 contains 117,058 structures
Alan Hewat
Program for checking symmetry
U iso and U aniso
Ana Isabel Becerro Nieto
cif files for austenite
antonio josé
[Re: Anisotropic peak broadening with TOPAS]
Frank Girgsdies
RIET: availability of Golden Book of Phase Transitions, Wroclaw (2002)
Lachlan Cranswick
Anisotropic peak broadening with TOPAS
Frank Girgsdies
Quantitative analysis
GSAS: Microstrain parameters in rhombohedral SGs
Franz Werner