COD does not have very sophisticated search options; if the exact formula
is not listed, it is difficult to find similar structures with slightly
different stoichiometry.

If instead you search ICSD :-) you will easily find:

Siegrist, T.;Schneemeyer, L.F.;Sunshine, S.A.;Waszczak, J.V.;Roth, R.S.
Materials Research Bulletin (1988) 23, 1429-1438
"A new layered cuprate structure-type, (A1-x A'x)14 Cu24 O41"
Ca8.82La5.18Cu24O41  11.305(1), 12.610(1), 27.608(2), 90., 90., 90. CCCM

also check:
Song, G.B.; Han, C.Q.; Chen, X.L.; Liang, J.K.; Liu, Q.L.; Zhou, Y.Q.;
Liu, F.S.; Rao, G.H.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry (2004) 177, 2394-2403
for Ca10Pr4Cu24O41

You can of course export CIFs directly from ICSD. Alan.

Ioannis Androulakis said:
> Dear All,
> I am looking for a cif file of the compound Ca9La5Cu24O41.
> It is not in the COD.
> Any ideas, suggestions, offers?
> I'd be greatful...
> J. Androulakis
Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
<> +33.476.98.41.68

Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
<> +33.476.98.41.68

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