Hi to all!,
in fact, the Cagliti's expression is just a way to show the angular
variation of fwhm, as was mentioned was usef for neutron diffraction and
adopted in XRD, we can also build another dependence such as  FWMH vs
2theta directly and  it is useful to evaluate size and strain, the problem
is that many refinement codes have the FWMH angular dependence in terms of
Caglioti's equation. By the way, how can I get the paper of Young and
Desai?,because I have tried a search in the web,but i did'nt find the
best regards.

Miguel Hesiquio

Miguel Hesiquio-Garduño
Profesor Titular "A"
Departamento de Ciencia de Materiales
Academia de Ciencias de la IngenierĂ­a
ESFM-IPN. tel 57 29 60 00 ext. 55003, ext. 55011

On Thu, March 19, 2009 5:22 pm, matthew.row...@csiro.au wrote:
> From what I've read of Cagliotti's paper, the V term should always be
> negative; or am I reading it wrong?
> Additionally, there is some good work on the use of the Cagliotti (and
> TCHZ) functions in the paper by Young and Desai; it also goes over how to
> incorporate sample dependent terms into the expression.
> Young, R. A. & Desai, P. 1989, 'Crystallite Size and Microstrain
> Indicators in Rietveld Refinement', Archiwum Nauki o Materialach, vol.
> 10, no. 1-2, pp. 71-90.
> Alan Hewat wrote:
>> .... if you have access to the refinement code.
> This is why I love Topas. All of the the code used in the refinements is
> there for you to see!  :)
> Cheers
> Matthew
> ________________
> Matthew Rowles
> CSIRO Minerals
> Box 312
> Clayton South, Victoria
> Ph: +61 3 9545 8892
> Fax: +61 3 9562 8919 (site)
> Email: matthew.row...@csiro.au

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