Dear Colleagues,

I would like to announce a DISCUS workshop in Erlangen, Germany Sep. 26 to 30, 

Within this workshop you will get an opportunity to learn all about structure
using DISCUS ( ), a program 
complementary to the 
Rietveld approach. DISCUS can simulate powder pattern for disordered materials,
crystalline and nanocrystalline. For more info please visit:

Don't miss this exciting opportunity to become seriously disordered!

Reinhard Neder

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Neder
Kristallographie und Strukturphysik
Universität Erlangen
Staudtststr. 3; 91058 Erlangen
tel. +49-9131-8525191
fax  +49-9131-8525182
DISCUS Workshop 2016

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