Messages by Thread
BGMN for the Mac
Joerg Bergmann
question on size-strain analysis
Maxim V. Lobanov
source for Y2O3?
Kurt Leinenweber
Question on QPA - Amorphous/crystalline mix
Lee Gerrard
Bond angles restraints in GSAS
Matteo Zoppi
Nasser D. Afify
phase coexistence
deepti kothari
Beta iso
xrd of thin film
deepti kothari
RIET: using cubic Y2O3 for determining polarisation - Beginer problems, difficulty charecterizing our diffractometer...
Lachlan Cranswick
Beginer problems, difficulty charecterizing our diffractometer...
Mibeck, Blaise
lab-based high-pressure gas cell
Whitfield, Pamela
RIET: ACA 2009 conference - Toronto, Ontario, Canada: July 25 - 30, 2009
Lachlan Cranswick
Comment on Ball Miller
Question about Genles...
Mibeck, Blaise
calculating f' and f''
Jean-Marc Joubert
Polarization correction for confocal mirrors
Omotoso, Oladipo
Alwiyah Nurhayati
TOF profil problem
Francois Goutenoire
Rietveld and Dislocation Density - help
Murugesan S
Enraf Crystal Heaters
Portable XRD
Chrysochoou, Maria
EASY access to the ILL beam time (September 2008)
SUARD Emmanuelle
[no subject]
bechir el khezami
PARST download
GSAS: Good fit
Request of atomic coordinates of Cu2Se
[no subject]
Postdoctoral position
Mclaughlin, Dr Abbie
Ph. D. position
Holger Kohlmann
Re: [sdpd] Re: Background Subtractions / 2D image plate
Jon Wright
Re: ICNX-2009 International Conference on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering
Alan Hewat
Background subtraction
Yetta Porter
confusion about some GSAS parameters
GSAS constraints on ammonium within a crystal
Asel Sartbaeva
CYGWIN Error - Help
Murugesan S
digitizing x-ray films
Natale Perchiazzi
Fullprof on mac OSX
Joost van Duijn
PDF analysis
Yang, Ling
Addsym trouble
Magnus H. Sørby
RIET: Final reminder: 2008 Crystallographic Computing School
Lachlan Cranswick
interstitial hole size
Jean-Noel Chotard
RIET: Crystallographic Computing School registration deadline approaching
Lachlan Cranswick
Identify phases in mortar cement
José Carlos Cordeiro
FW: gsas2cif problem
Wörle Michael
Crystal STructure Godovikovite or Sabieite
María Susana Conconi
Anomalous scattering and fluorescence
Victor Wessels
Wyckoff position
deepti kothari
anomalous scattering factors
Gerard, Garcia S
RIET: Crystallographic Software Fayre at IUCr 2008 Osaka Congress - 26th to 29th August
Lachlan Cranswick
Issues with CODFILn.hkl in Fullprof
Pawel Zajdel
Jennifer Anderson is out of the office.
Jennifer . Anderson
RIET: CNCC Canadian student travel award winners to IUCr Osaka congress and list of Canadian delegates to IUCr congress
Lachlan Cranswick
RIET: Bruker XRDWizard V2.9 - Powder X-ray Diffraction Variable Count Data (VCT) collection
Lachlan Cranswick
Different atomic coordinates
Stanislav Ferdov
fullprof on suse 10.2? [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Klaus-Dieter Liss
Debye functions if GSAS
David Lee
ICNX-2009 International Conference on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering
Alan Hewat
GSAS file loading in TOPAS?
sisir ray
PDF refinements and such ..
Thomas E. Proffen
Fwd: Results of your commands
Martin Dove
RE: PDF refinement pros and cons
Alan Hewat
Why was my message rejected ?
Alan Hewat
Bruker LynxEye detector
Matthew Beekman
Re: [sdpd] calibration problems with Silicon+gsas
RIET: After 25 years: photos from the 1983 Crystallographic Computing School on the web
Lachlan Cranswick
Goodness of fit criterion
Franz Werner
Problem with MAUD
soumen ghosh
José Carlos Cordeiro
Sequence for varying parameters in FullProf
Palash Manna
RIET: IUCr Crystallographic Computing School 2008 : updated announcement
Lachlan Cranswick
atomic displacement parameters (ADPs)?
sisir ray
Conical magnetic moment in FullProf
Jae-Ho Chung
burgers vector
Murugesan S
Anisotropic temperature ellipsoid display with ICSD-Jmol
Alan Hewat
VaList- Bond Valence Calculations and Listing - new release
Andrew Wills
(Fwd) Re: Preferred orientation?
lattice parameter determination
Matthew Beekman
José Carlos Cordeiro
Preferred orientation?
Gerard, Garcia S