Dear all,
I am trying to use GSAS to do Rietveld refinement of the pulsed spallation neutron diffraction data. I just found that an error should occur in powpref when I tried to use unit cells of the size approximately 16.5 Angstrom or larger. Unfortunately, the unit cell I need to use slightly larger than 17 Angstrom. Is this an intrinsic limitation of GSAS? Is there a way to get around it? Thank you very much. Jae-Ho *********************************************** Jae-Ho Chung, Assistant Professor Department of Physics, Korea University Anam-dong 5, Seongbook-gu Seoul 136-713, Rep. of Korea tel.) +82-2-3290-3116 fax.) +82-2-927-3292 web.) <> ***********************************************