Dear Ed,

you need to take the cos(theta) instead of the sin(theta)..... Of course you have to consider the instrumental resolution, otherwise you underestimate size.

Good recovery (or what you say in English...)
Andreas Leineweber

Edward Laitila wrote:

The peak profile gives information about the crystallite or coherent 
diffracting domain size along with microstrain. You cannot not get a grain size 
unless the crystallite size can be related to the grain size from knowledge of 
the microstructure. The crystallite size can be estimated using the Scherrer 
equation assuming no microstrains and a spherical shape. The equation is the 
thickness or size = (0.9 X lambda)/(breadth(radians) X sin(theata)), that is if 
I remember correctly since I am currently in the hospital. I hope this helps, a 
rather simple calculation that provides a good estimate. I should note there 
are correction schemes of gaussian and lorentzian (I normally use a geometric 
mean of the two) that is important when the breadth is only a couple of 
hundreds or less (please see B.D. Cullity Elements of X-Ray Diffraction in my 
opinion one of the best XRD references). Also the values change with angle so I 
typically have found averaging the values of the 5 lowest an!
 e peaks is close to the Warren-Averbach results.


----- Original Message -----
To: "Rietveld L" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 5:42:37 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Suggestion about software(s) for size profile-broadening calculation

Dear all experts in XRD,

As stated in the header, does anyone know if there is some software(s) available for estimation of average crystal grain size using the peak breath of XRD data? I just want to know some rough values so as to compare my samples prepared at different conditions. Many thanks for your kind helps.
Great appreciate.


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