Dear Rietvelders,


(I hope this list is appropriate for this question).  I am trying to set
up a new D8 diffractometer from Bruker, and have it set up with a Vario
monochromator focusing on a sample in a capillary.  Of course I hope to
do Rietveld refinement on the samples eventually.  But there is an error
in two theta of the peak positions on all samples, and the error is
linear in two theta.  At 40 degrees the error (measured minus expected)
is about 0.020 degrees, at 80 degrees the error is about 0.040 degrees,


Has anyone ever seen anything like this and do you know where it could
come from?


Thank you very much,


                                                            - Kurt




Kurt Leinenweber

Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Arizona State University

Tempe, AZ 85287-1604


phone (480)-965-8853

fax (480)-965-2747




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