
I am trying to refine some GEM data using Fullprof and while under Windows I 
have no problem doing this (ins=14) using the same pcr and data file on my 
macbook I get the following error:

 =>        ** PROGRAM FullProf.2k (Version 4.40 - Aug2008-ILL JRC) **
 =>        **********************************************************
 =>                       M U L T I -- P A T T E R N
 =>            Rietveld, Profile Matching & Integrated Intensity
 =>                 Refinement of X-ray and/or Neutron Data
 =>                     (Multi_Pattern: MacIntosh-version)
 => START Date:26/11/2008  Time => 08:51:00.370
 => Reading control file *.PCR ...
 => Reading intensity file of pattern  1  gem35650.gss
 => Error reading a profile DATA file:
 => Program interrupted

 I was just wondering if anybody else has come across this problem and if so if 
there is a way to work around this or if it is an intrinsic problem with the 
MAC version of Fullprof.



Dr. Joost van Duijn
Instituto de Energías Renovables
Universidad de Castilla la Mancha
Paseo de la Investigación 1
02006 Albacete, Spain
Phone: +34 967599200 Ext 8206
Fax: +34 967555321


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