Hi, I am trying to refine some GEM data using Fullprof and while under Windows I have no problem doing this (ins=14) using the same pcr and data file on my macbook I get the following error:
=> ** PROGRAM FullProf.2k (Version 4.40 - Aug2008-ILL JRC) ** => ********************************************************** => M U L T I -- P A T T E R N => Rietveld, Profile Matching & Integrated Intensity => Refinement of X-ray and/or Neutron Data => (Multi_Pattern: MacIntosh-version) => START Date:26/11/2008 Time => 08:51:00.370 => Reading control file *.PCR ... => Reading intensity file of pattern 1 gem35650.gss => Error reading a profile DATA file: => Program interrupted I was just wondering if anybody else has come across this problem and if so if there is a way to work around this or if it is an intrinsic problem with the MAC version of Fullprof. Cheers, Joost ------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Joost van Duijn Instituto de Energías Renovables Universidad de Castilla la Mancha Paseo de la Investigación 1 02006 Albacete, Spain Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: +34 967599200 Ext 8206 Fax: +34 967555321