Thanks John. But the guidelines for the Rietveld mailing list ask that
posts use ASCII characters and the English language as the lowest :-)
common denominator for international communication. Like much of the
world's population, I don't even have a "national" language and had enough
trouble even learning French :-)

Jon Wright said:
> Alan Hewat wrote:
>> ... your name appears as ½¨²¨Áº
> The problem is your mail reader, thunderbird displays some chinese
> characters. Liang's mail correctly uses a MIME encoded word as the ascii
> string:
> =?GB2312?B?vaiyqMG6?=
> Which means character set "GB2312" (chinese), "B"ase64 encoding, and
> "vaiyqMG6" is the binary encoded string.
> Best,
> Jon
Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
<> +33.476.98.41.68

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