Hi, everyone,
      I am a newcome to Rietveld refinement. Actually I am a student
majored in photocatalytic splitting water for hydrogen production. We
want to analysis the structures of our photocatalysts via rietveld
method. For that purpose we got a X'pert Pro diffractionmeter from
Panalytica about 3 years ago. But rietveld is too difficult to start.
Now I have read some books and downloaded some programs from ccp14
such as fullprof, checkcell and so on. Also I have tested some
examples. However I am still confused. How can I determine the initial
value of some parameters such as U, V and W. Maybe I need a
Instrumental Resolution Function file, but how can set that file?

Can anybody give me some advice about this?

thanks a million.

Mingtao Li
State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering
School of Energy and Power Engineering
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Xi'an, 710049
Tel: +86-29-8266 8296
Fax: +86-29-8266 9033

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